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How to Define Same-Sex Marriage

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Remixer, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    How have certain divorced heterosexual Christians reconciled their status with the tenets of their religion? How have certain remarried heterosexual Christians? (ref. Matthew 19:9, 5:31-32; 1 Corintians 7:10-11; etc.)

    It's because of liberalization of their faith. It's why indications of divorce and adultery are more relaxed than they were in ancient times (though you may prefer the ancient scripture). Today, a faithful wife whose otherwise faithful husband divorced her is no longer considered an adulterer, nor is the man who decides to remarry her.

    The faith has changed since Biblical times. It's currently changing. I'm sure there was great opposition regarding divorce, but today remarriages happen all the time. If it weren't the case, way more than 50% of the American public would be unmarried. Something like 55% of the population over 18 is married. I'm sure the number is much higher for 25+.

    Let me be clear: This has been a redefinition of marriage from the Biblical sources because it is a loosening of the "rules" regarding marriage, divorce, adultery, and remarrying, all of which are "rules" of marriage.

    Now that we've come to same-sex marriage, all that's happening is a liberalization of the "rules" to include couples who happen to be of the same sex. I think if Jesus were alive today, he'd be cool with it. (I realize I'm reaching here, but there it is.)

    It literally is specious because it's not a definitive snippet of scripture against same-sex marriage, especially with the context entirely removed. The reason why I've pointed it out is because I'm thinking, "Remixer believes same-sex marriage is wrong because he thinks the Bible considers homosexuals 'abominations' who should be put to death." Is there more to it than that? I was thinking there is. Am I wrong?

    We can delve also into the non-secular roots of same-sex marriage? It's also of note that there is non-secular support for same-sex marriage in modern times.

    Secularists by and large are mostly concerned about the legal side of it. I don't know of any strong push (or argument for that matter) in favour of reforming religion to accommodate same-sex marriage. They want same sex-marriages to be legally possible, and I think many simply think it's great that at least some clergy folk will accommodate these marriages.

    Most secular positions I've seen on this matter are along the lines of: "Same-sex marriages don't harm heterosexual marriages. If you don't like the idea of same-sex marriage, then don't get same-sex married." This isn't an issue Christians should be taking up with the state. They should be taking it up with fellow Christians. This is a more a question of faith and practice. There are many other reasons why Protestants and Catholics don't get along. There are many reasons for that.

    They can co-exist legally, but I'm going to reiterate that many same-sex couples want their marriages to be blessed. They're not simply after state benefits and recognition. LGBT couples who believe in God want their love recognized by the Church as well as the state. A problem I have difficulty with is when the state says, "No, we will not allow the Church do their religous thing." It's a Church issue (I know you agree with this; I'm speaking broadly) and as such you are going to get different denominations doing different things taking different positions. There is currently a heated debate about permitting female pastors. This is another area of liberalization that's occurring within Christianity.

    Any sort of system I assume is mostly about state benefits and recognition, but I will always come back to the clergy folk who wish to bless these unions (and, in many cases, the state not permitting this).

    Christianity (and other religions, for that matter) today isn't the same as it was in ancient times. Times change as we learn more about humanity and morality and our daily experiences. If we were to attempt to take the Bible literally, it would be a) impossible (due to contradictions), and b) immoral by today's standards.

    That we don't move forward regarding the blessing of same-sex unions would be unprecedented in terms of the progression of (at least) the Christian faith. But what isn't unprecedented, I'm sure, is this resistance to change.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2013
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  2. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    That is the rules of the religious institution, but *any* heterosexual couple in Australia can get married now without going anywhere near a religious institution. I was married on a beach by a marriage celebrant. I didn't have a civil union, I had a marriage.

    Because it is - while religions have the right to perform ceremonies, it isn't the religion that manages the lists of who is married, divorced, born, dead - these are government controlled list. And given that I had a marriage without a church being involved, why shouldn't a gay or lesbian couple have the same privilege? I'm not suggesting for a moment that religions should be compelled to perform these ceremonies, but I don't see the issue with a non-hetero couple being able to say "I'm married and this is my 'husband/wife...'". Religions can butt out as far as I'm concerned.
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  3. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Here's the thing...

    Religion isn't a monolith. It *never* was.

    If the Dead Sea Scrolls teach us *anything* it's that there are multiple versions of the Bible out there and they weren't canonized until the 5th Century. Levite can talk more about this, but the Jews have Midrash, which is the lengthy interpretation of the Bible. It is meant to be interpreted. It is meant to breathe and live.

    I suppose if you wanted to live by a monolithic religious code, you could try (Like This Guy) but what would be the point? Let's face it, there are too many people who just pick and choose their favourite bits of Old Testament drum and strang to suit their agendas. To them I say, Fuck You.

    Religion is a big tent and there is room for all. You want a more conservative flavour? You will find one. But do the rest of us a favour and don't try and change secular policy with your antiquated ways.

    In the end, the word Marriage is just that... a word. And as we know, definitions of words change through use. Sit up and pay attention! The use is changing. Suck up and move on. It's done. You can try and argue that it is just for men and women... You can try, but your square wheels are showing.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2013
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  4. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    If Leviticus is the basis of your objection, I think there are lots of other things for you to be worried about. e.g.
    Ch 11 v 9 - "Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams, you may eat any that have fins and scales". So no more crabs or prawns?
    Ch 7 v 22 - "... Do not eat any of the fat of cattle, sheep or goats" - kinda hard to avoid this while eating the meat - what about marbled wagyu beef? Is that outlawed?
    Ch 19 v 27 "Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip the edges of your beard" - seriously?
    Ch 19 v 28 "Do not... put tattoo marks on yourselves" - there are a lot of sinners out there - why aren't we burning down the tattoo parlours?

    My take on Leviticus is this - it is a historical document of laws from the time it was written, many hundreds of years ago and given we ignore huge parts of it, I think it is hard to not ignore the rest of it. As a basis for banning same sex couples, it is as useful as a basis for banning eating prawns and tattooing yourself.
  5. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Question: Is there *any* legitimate religious scholar that would take the Old Testament and use it whole cloth? The only people I hear using the OT are those with an agenda.

    Didn't the New Testament, in light of Jesus, strike down much of the OT laws? Didn't Paul, on the road to Damascus, strike a new covenant with God that allowed Gentiles to join his club?

    If not, I have to go stone my neighbour's wife, 'cause she's a whore of Babylon.
  6. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    The answer to those questions is complex, and falls beyond the scope of this thread. If you're really interested, make another thread in Tilted Philosophy about Bible, and I will respond there.
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  7. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2013
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  8. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    • Like Like x 3
  9. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

  10. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Thank you, plan9, for the pithy link which stated what I feel.
  11. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Also: Fuck people that wear their marriage like some kind of merit badge.

    "Look at you being retarded with your money on a ring and ceremony!"

    Star-bellied sneetches can suck my non-denominational unit.

    /is going to a $80k wedding this weekend


    I'm all for everybody and everything getting married.

    The institution is about as ancient and silly as foot-binding and corsets.

    Marriage was only cool when women were trade goods and men were killing each other with swords.

    /is gonna get shitfaced at that $80k wedding this weekend


    As such, I'm all for gay people getting married.

    I like the idea of two dudes with groomed eyebrows not talking to each other in bed.

    And the notion of two crew cut-totin', plaid-'n-Tevas-wearin' chicks arguing in a Subaru is refreshingly different.

    /stereotypes are still funny
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2013
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  12. whoknewhawtwife Vertical

    @Plan9 = a dozen indie film festival winners-to-be
  13. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    What happens if during the union/marriage...one/both/all of the partners change religion? What if it is not even the same?
    What happens if a man/woman get into a union where they're both atheist?
    What happens if one turns out to be gay...but they want to stay together and they're fine with it.
    What happens if one/both do adultery ...but they want to stay together and they're fine with it.
    And so on...

    It does happen...and in multitude of varieties of situations you can't even want to try to absorb it all.

    The state has to deal with and provide for all conditions.
    The law should apply equally.

    It's a contract...what does it matter what it's called?

    The only time it is really called into question, is when they want to dissolve it.
    Or there's a change in status, such as death, desertion, etc.

    I predict it will even get to the point of supporting more than two persons.
    But that will be complicated, so I don't know if the state wants to get into that...
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2013
  14. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    The middle cell is relevant:

  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Canada now has a 10-year history of same-sex marriage.

    I don't see many signs of our nation falling crumbling into the bowels of the earth. And recent census numbers suggest that the population is still 67% Christian, and there is no evidence that their marriages have been destroyed by the gays.

    What's more, I don't see any widespread Christian protests, or any evidence of widespread persecution to keep them quiet.

    I'll report in if I see anything pop up on my radar.
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  16. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    a report from a non hermit might be needed.
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  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Point taken. :(
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Has it really been 10 years? Time flies when you are having a gay old time...
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  19. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    All the more reason to move to Canada.

    I've also seen free speech in action in Canada, so I know protests there do happen, despite jokes to the contrary.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. FreeVerse

    FreeVerse Screw Tilted, I'm all the way upside down.

    Suburban Chicago
    /me sings "Oooooooh CaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDaaaaaaaaaa! Our home and naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaative laaaaaaaaand!"
    Now... where are my suitcases...