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Politics Trump - What has he done now???

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by rogue49, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. pig

    pig Slightly Tilted Donor

    If Trump doesn't get convicted of one or more felonies and serve some form of sentence... And somehow wins the Presidency again I think we're in for banana republic dictator.

    Same guy with multiple axes to grind and no fear of reprisals.

    I can't even imagine that reality.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    NPD Trump with nothing to lose.
    No reelection worries.
    Revenge on his enemies.
    Scorched earth actions.
    Possibly start an international war.
    Encourage his base to serve as his private army.
    Plot his refusal to leave.

    And that's just a partial list.
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  3. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    NPD Trump might be a stubborn prick who doesn’t listen to legal advice very often, but he or some people close to him know how to manipulate ambiguous campaign contribution laws.

    Trump Spent $10 Million From His PAC on His Legal Bills Last Year.

    I wonder what that number is so far this year?

    Note: Paywall might partially block article.
  4. pig

    pig Slightly Tilted Donor

    I mean...

    7 Indictments in federal announced today...

    Assuming that Smith was extra careful before bringing these, knowing there would be intense scrutiny...

    The question is, I think, whether Trump takes a plea or takes a guilty verdict in court?

    Given who he is, I think he takes it to trial and tries to appeal to the Supremes?

    We still have more cases to go... And this is his second indictment between state and federal.


    How fucking stupid are people to still be supporting him as the front runner in the Republican primaries. This shit is crazy.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    Eileen Cannon back on the case !
    Justice insured here !

    Boy 4 foot tall stacks of boxed docs line the walls of the shitter at Mara Lago secure storage !!
    Gosh I feel a lot safer now...
    The opulent guilded walls of Mara Lago are so glam-trashy it's absurd.

    All criminals pointing like a compass in the Bermuda triangle, weponization !!! Unendingly the criminals cry and point at everything but the mirror where the culprit always is.
    This plot is so dumb, simple and so full of playd out tropes it's just (perfect for trump) beyond absurd.
    Pretty sad. If America fails at electing a few key decent people we are a bee line to authoritarian dictatorship.
    That could, more than likely would have global consequences. So, I'm cool with the possibility of some heavy unrest if that's the cost of persecuting every pos in the trump orbit to the fullest.
    Im told by a friend there was a large cash of Tony McVey supplies confiscated a couple days ago, like multiple times what he used to bomb the federal building.

    I feel like all of this could be predicted at the very least from the first gop debate back in 2016 when actual debating changed from gop bullshitting issues to complete street corner juvenile trash talk having nothing to do with any, ANY actual political ideas or policy.
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  6. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    attorneys Jim Trusty and John Rowley said they've stepped down from representing him.

    Lol, just last night Trusty Jim was spewing bullshit on CNN again and today ? Gone like Someone sprayd him with that new POOPH odor spray.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Just this morning Trusty was on Good Morning, America trying to deflect by claiming the investigation of Biden's documents was about to explode with numerous violations. Stephanopoulos shut him down by telling him no evidence he been provided.

    So was UnTrusty's departure planned, before his spin attempt appearances?
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  8. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    Yeah I herd that. Biden docs won't blow up. Gop will yap about it for a long time to come though.

    I think Trusty saw a line he wouldn't cross and it probably involves his neck being too far out under a legal guillotine.
    If you work for trump your goal is self serving 100% over and around laws and realities so he saw himself in jeopardy there somewhere, maybe just loosing and not getting paid.

    Chris Senunu on CNN really changed his tone ragging on the DOJ. Only ppl who think the DOJ are out of line are the ignorant Kool aid drinking trump cultists. I had thought Chris Senunu was sort of saine but I don't see any reason to carry water for the cultists.

    Everyone in the DOJ is human and some back channel chatter about what a disgusting law /rule braking shit show trump admin is would be normal and expected. The whole gang is a giant mass of red flags for any DOJ personel so any added scrutiny during the stump shit show years would be expected and I'd hope, encouraged.

    It's not political it's about breaking rules, norms and laws constantly. Very simple unless your a cultist.

    Seriously, his whole fucking family in the administration ? If you don't side eye that and start taking copious notes your flat out not doing your job.
    • Like Like x 2
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    One twisted good thing from T…

    His audaciousness and pushing the envelope
    Never giving up and always reaching for the gold

    Shows all the holes in the system and our laws.
    Traditions broken and bent
    Normals and precedents ignored
    Expectations thrown out the door

    We see we need everything in writing
    Passed and enforced

    Even the Constitution is Swiss cheese
    Where we show we need specific limits
    And consequences of those deviations

    And enforce ANY authority from ANY to do what’s in writing.

    Discretion and civility is screwed.
    We cannot rely on people to do their jobs.

    Politicians have gotten to the point of twisting everything. No honor among thieves.

    Especially the top con, T.
    • Like Like x 1
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  10. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Many, many things need to put in writing, & into law.

    The question is who has the authority to change, say for example the presidential pardon process? I'm guessing ultimately any change would get voted on in the Senate, & most likely be heard before the SCOTUS.


    Some of the comments coming from top Republicans make me sick to my stomach. The bits & pieces that have been reported so far certainly appear to make NPD Trump as guilty as sin. I seriously wonder how so many educated & intelligent people can continue to support him.

    How many synonyms are there for obdurate, and ludicrous (for starters)?
  11. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    This isn't even part of Georgia election manipulation either. Rico charges coming from that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    All of this should make a lot of more or less common mostly detached republican voters bail on him and that should shift the nomination. Then, if he's still free hell cry that the primary was a fraud too, grift more cash from his idiot donors and wrestle the media and the RNC endlessly with Keri Lake, Mike Lindell and anyone else he can get on his traveling circus of wannabe dictators.

    Funny how his audience has endless time to research the looney lies but can't spend any time to get their head around reality. I don't know which is more complicated.
    I guess it is a lot harder to break free from your hate and misunderstanding of people of color, non standard gender or how the sucky red states are really the biggest draw on the federal social funding system etc. etc..
    It would have been easier before trump turned them all into his cult zombies.

    What's tucker up to ?
    I haven't heard anything from Mike Lindell since he lost the 5 million dollar bet he made on his election data failure. It must suck to have all that concrete evidence and not be able to read it and actually understand any of it yourself so you'd actually know if it's real or not.
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  13. pig

    pig Slightly Tilted Donor

    Tucker did a Twitter show apparently... Word is it was complete shit.

    Does Trump pop up in Russia with Segal and Putin?
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  14. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    I'm really concerned how a few lower population states have such out of proportion pull in the general due to the electoral college, all of the disproportionate pull from states that don't reflect the majority of life in America.
    I don't see the electoral college being eliminated and it is a huge part of the problem.
    We also need a national standard for voting by mail and a way to automatically update voter rolls. But anything that brings clarity is bad for the smoke and mirror crowd.
    More donations to the DNC in other states than my own is all I can do, and not a whole lot of that.
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  15. pig

    pig Slightly Tilted Donor


    At the very least, we need to get rid of First Past The Post voting. Give each candidate whatever proportion of each state's electoral votes they won by proportion within that state. Add in ranked voting systems.

    It's so fucked up right now.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  16. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Not going to get anything while the GOP rules the House.
    SCOTUS conservatives may nullify any voting law.
    And a Constitutional Admendment wouldn't likely get past state radification. (38 states)

    We're stuck for now.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    Ward Cleaver:
    "when a guy comes up with a bad idea, he's usually the 1st one to double cross you"

    People should have watched more old tv when they were young and impressionable.

    Watching talking heads with Jim Jordan this AM...Jim's strategy is to rattle on over top of the interviewer so you can barley decipher what either are saying. But the jist is what about Biden, what about Hillary...lol. he's such a shit hole on legs.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Dandy Graham was trying the same crap on ABC, Stephanopoulos kept tripping him up.
  19. pig

    pig Slightly Tilted Donor

    It's mind-blowing to me that they're still going on about Clinton. Her situation was HEAVILY investigated and no charges were brought. If I recall correctly, much of the classified information was found to have been classified retroactively, and everyone knew what she was doing. It wasn't a secret - they were emailing her at her non gov email address.

    The differences with Biden, or Pence...and Trump are staggering... But even IF Biden deserves to be indicted by the time any investigation concludes... That doesn't exonerate Trump.

    I saw a piece contrasting his statements in 2016 and the prosecution of Reality Winner to the facts and charges he's facing now...

    The precedent is clearly jail time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    What does Biden deserve to be indicted for?
    He returned everything voluntarily, so did Pence.

    This is like a mountain to a molehill comparison

    T allowed access to docs, to unauthorized
    Then put them in areas easily gotten to by spies
    And then resisted and ignored requests and subpoenas
    And then looks like he obstructed too
    And, and, and…
    Then he foolishly got himself on tape saying he knew the rules (can’t claim ignorance or instant declassification)

    This is what the GOP is hoping for
    Confuse the public, muddy the waters
    Make it equivalent, even though it isn’t
    Classic ploy
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