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Old 05-02-2003, 04:56 AM   #19 (permalink)
Location: NE where west of worcester
I'm def down wit bak-sketball... fun to play and fun to watch.. the most event and spectator friendly league (well i ignore hockey, so i might be wron g about "most," that sport seems very event and spectator driven)..

iverson driving past three alls tars to the hoop and dropping a layup on a guy a foot and a half taller.. Yeeah..

Pierce on a good night (for him) yeeah.. or toine, or bremer, or delk, or battie...
Kobe.. every other play...

I like the whole league nowadays.. i gotta get into a town to pick one

Baseball is in my heart too, thoug it is the worst league for event and spectator considerations ( and i'm ignoring football in that NFL is the worst business that doesn't itself create a specifically death dealing device in the country, i'll never go to another NFL game, unless specifically invited by a visiting team cheerleader)...

How it got like this:
Bball: \alcindor.. Abdul Jabbar with Oscar Robertson in 71,72.. NBA champ milwaukee Bucks.. the ideal tandem, talented youth getting his first of many great tastes, and unparalleled all star finally getting his due.
littlewhiteball: St Louis cards 64 -68.. three league pennants, two world series champs.. Bob Gibson crushing lineups, McCarver, Cepeda, Flood, Maxville, and hokey good fun old time Busch Stadium... Riding the red bird express form Ucity with my dad.. whee

Last edited by anndifidoo; 05-02-2003 at 05:02 AM..
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