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Old 04-12-2005, 09:43 PM   #10 (permalink)
Forget me not...
Amnesia620's Avatar
Location: See that dot on the map? I don't live there.
She remembered the phone call she'd had the night before as she said good-bye to her co-workers and stepped through the door out into the chilled air. This night was a bit cooler than any previous night during this week. She didn't enjoy cool nights, she preferred it warmer. 'Didn't everybody?' She thought, as she walked to her car, purse in hand. The phone call that changed her life...
In her purse, she knew, was the money. She had cashed the check just that morning before work and wondered if "he" was still watching her, even now. He had called her just two weeks ago, explaining how he loved watching her, how he knew her secrets and that if she didn't go along with everything he said, he would "have to punish her". She knew he meant death.
In a split-second, driven purely on instinct, she knew that she would do as he asked and that the moment that it went beyond her control, she would involve the police. She wasn't afraid of this "mystery-man" but merely curious as to what his true intentions were. She didn't fear much...some would call this ignorance, others would say she was smart. She did what she felt she must, when she must, and that was that.
Arriving to her car, finally, across the parking lot, she stopped at the rear of her car and looked around. The parking lot was dark, empty, and silent. She suddenly felt a chill - cold air or something else?? She didn't know. She quickly grabbed her keys out of her jacket pocket and looked around once more...the parking lot was still quiet, dark and empty. In a moment's time, she unlocked the trunk of the car and opened her purse. She couldn't see anything out of the ordinary around her, or hear anything, either. However, she couldn't shake the chill. She worried someone knew she had the money. A lot of money. Opening the lid, she grabbed the wad of cash in her hand and followed her intuition. She wasn't sure what was out there, but decided to hide it in the trunk just in case. Closing the trunk lid, hearing the click, she suddenly felt relieved. As she turned to her left to walk around the car, she thought she saw something move out of the corner of her eye...
For example, I find that a lot of college girls are barbie doll carbon copies with few differences...Sadly, they're dumb, ditzy, immature, snotty, fake, or they are the gravitational center to orbiting drama. - Amnesia620

Last edited by Amnesia620; 04-12-2005 at 09:47 PM..
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