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Old 08-14-2006, 09:00 PM   #11 (permalink)
I posted the following on Oct. 22, 2004:
Two positive comments about Bush:

I lived and worked in Manhattan on 9/11. When I watched the live
TV feed of Bush arriving at ground zero, I was distressed because
his presence at what was still considered a rescue operation, would
interrupt the still frenzied dig and search for trapped victims.

<b>Listening to Bush speak, he transformed my attitude, and I saw him
as our leader, speaking to , and for all of us, simultaneously. He was
briefly interrupting important work, but he was standing in the one place
where he could reassure the country and those who attacked us, that
he was up to the challenge of protecting us from further attacks and
of quickly making those responsible for the attacks answer for their actions.

I think that Bush is working as hard as he possibly can to do his job in
the way that he and his advisors perceive that to be.....</b>
Looking back, and after learning what I have posted on this thread, and on others, I don't know if I am more disappointed than I am angry and frustrated, or more angry and frustrated than I am scared. I fear whatever it is that our leaders, plan to impress us If their agenda was to protect us, and not to terrorize us, how can "news", like the Dubai management "deal", involving 22 US ports, or the following, ever be explained as earnest or benevolent?
While terror plot unfolded, Bush administration tried to cut funds for explosives detection

WASHINGTON The Bush administration quietly tried to cut six (m) million dollars that earmarked for developing new explosives detection technology even as the British terror plot was unfolding.
Officials wanted to use the money instead on federal building protection. Congressional leaders rejected the idea.

It's one in a series of Homeland Security Department steps that have left lawmakers and some of the department's own experts questioning the administration's commitment to create better anti-terror technologies.

An investigation by The Associated Press shows the department failed to spend 200 (m) million dollars in research and development money from past years, forcing lawmakers this summer to rescind the money.

The Bush administration has also been slow to start testing a new liquid explosives detector that the Japanese government provided to the United States earlier this year. The terrorist plot to blow up trans-Atlantic passenger jets would have involved liquid explosives.

Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.'s not like liquid explosives is a recent threat scenario, either:
Mishap Foils First Plot to Blow Up Jets
Thursday, August 10, 2006
By ROBERT H. REID, Associated Press Writer

A mysterious chemical fire in a seedy Philippine hotel in January 1995 foiled the first plot to blow American airliners out of the sky with liquid bombs _ a grisly scenario allegedly planned by extremists arrested in Britain.

British authorities said Thursday they had thwarted a terrorist plot to simultaneously blow up 10 aircraft heading to the U.S. using explosives smuggled in hand luggage in a plan that police described as"mass murder on an unimaginable scale."

The alleged plot was grimly reminiscent of a plan developed in late 1994 and early 1995 by Ramzi Yousef, who is serving a life sentence without parole in the United States for masterminding the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993.

Yousef planned to blow up a dozen U.S. airliners over the Pacific and even carried out a test bombing in December 1994, smuggling nitroglycerine onto aPhilippine Airlines jet in a contact lens solution bottle.

The explosive detonated near Okinawa, killing a Japanese man after Yousef had gotten off the plane in Cebu, Philippines. The plane managed to land safely in Okinawa.

At the time, however, authorities had no idea of the link between the blast and Yousef. That would come later after an intensive investigation of the strange events that unfolded on the night of Jan. 6, 1995, in Suite 603 of the Dona Josefa apartment-hotel, located near Manila's raucous red-light district.

........Under intensive interrogration over time, Murad gave up a plot _ to kill the pope and blow up American planes. Corraborating evidence was found on a laptop and diskettes found in Suite 603.

Three days after Murad's arrest, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration issued a security alert for all American airliners flying over the Pacific, including a ban on hand-carried liquids, aerosols and shaving cream.

Yousef slipped out of the country and made his way to Pakistan, where he was arrested a month later and sent to the United States. Murad was extradited to the United States the following April and testified against Yousef.

Both are serving sentences of life without parole at the Florence Super-Max federal prison in Colorado.

Robert H. Reid, correspondent-at-large for The Associated Press, was chief of bureau in Manila in January 1995.
Let's see...the US Justice Dept. has had these fuckers in custody for more than ten years.....and only this past week, after deliberately not funding research to detect the type of terrorist threat that they planned nearly 12 years ago, and killed an airline passenger as they tested their method....have US and UK passengers been banned from carrying liquids and gels onto airliners, and no technology was developed in all that time.....funding was actually blocked bring screening machines "on line" at airports.

Well.....I take back everything positive that I posted about president Bush, back on Oct., 22, 2004! He seems more like the "terrorist" "in chief", than he does, the "commander in chief", now that we see what has transpired, in the fullness of time.

By the way....I watched Oliver Stone's new film, "The World Trade Center", at a theater, yesterday. When it was over, I was choked up; my eyes teared up, and I wanted to enlist in the US military.....the last urge passed....not because it is an inapproriate response.....but because the thugs that our are "leaders", in the US and in the UK, did the following to us, after 9/11, and they are still doing it:
Or did they intend to do something else and where are the shades of gray?

.......the umpire gets sand thrown in his eyes. He's trying to figure what happened and somebody blocked their view.
I'm too old to enlist....and, thanks to the Bush administration, and their "poodle" in "Londonstan", I wouldn't know who to attack to "avenge" 9/11, because they keep throwing sand in my eyes, so I can't see the play!

Last edited by host; 08-14-2006 at 09:12 PM..
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