American History X
Fight Club
The Life of David Gale
Schindler's List
American Beauty
Every time I can, I recommend The Life of David Gale to one of my friends because it seems that no one I know has seen it and I just found it so powerful in so many ways. I always warn them that it disturbed me a bit though, and was also quite depressing. I think it speaks volumes about it, though, that I so loved the movie when I got that reaction from it. Also, kinda interesting that Kevin Spacey seems to be in so many "make you think" movies, huh?

Same goes with Edward Norton too, I guess.
Originally Posted by noodle
Das Experiment
Have you seen the actual Zimbardo experiment tape? Das Experiment is VERY different from that in many ways, exaggerating the things to kinda Hollywood-ize (German Hollywood?) it. But even though the actions are not as extreme in the actual experiment, it is somewhat more disturbing to see it actually happen, and see how quickly the people changed when placed in certain roles/