Interesting that a thread on sugar intake would be started by someone with the handle "Jam."

Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
To simplify, sugar is sugar: 40g of sugar could be derived from various sources. Even "table sugar" is from plants: sugar beets or sugar cane.
To simplify even further, all carbs -except fiber- are sugar.

Starches are just polymers (long chains) of glucose. Before it can utilize corn, flour, beans, potatoes, etc. your body must break them down into sugar. One of those "inconvenient truths," and its effect on insulin production is part of the rationale behind controlled carb diets.
I try to keep my total carb intake under 50 grams, though not always successfully, and I eat quite a bit of fruit, mostly berries and melons, and non starchy salad veggies within that limit. I avoid starchy foods almost completely with the exception of oatmeal.
Originally Posted by Plan9
Whoa... this thread is painfully wholesome!
I avoid the sugar demon by only drinking probably-poisonous "diet" or "light" soft drinks (Diet Mountain Dew, Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke). They have the caffeine I need to stay alive and 0 "carbs." This isn't as healthy as the fruit juice mix or whole fruit path, but it's cheaper and satisfying if you're a pop junkie like me.
I like the soda/juice (or a splash of Torani) mix also. The drinks sweetened with sucralose/Splenda are healthier (or at least less unhealthy) than aspartame.
Originally Posted by Plan9
I may have the smallest waistline in this thread... but that's only because of that damned tapeworm.
Can you beat 25 inches?