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Old 09-22-2003, 06:35 AM   #9 (permalink)
Location: northern california
See I think that it really gets down to the person you are with. Personally I have been in situations were it was a first date and the trust was there almost instantly. and on the other hand I have been so eager to just be with him that I took chances... But i am a big believer in knowing each other before sex.

However in a situation where a third person I know is there, Then I would not mind having the third a complete mystery. Actually been in a situation where the third was introduced in a bound sex play where I could do nothing about it... It was incredible sex... And I did not have any say in what I would or would not do.. It was still great....

Im not very bi, So that part is harder. The few times I have been in a lez situation everything felt weird.

But, I cant think of a situation where I would not do something sexually, holding back, on the first time. Hell, if I've gone that far why hold back..!
...We find ourselves in a struggle for our very right to exsist... We will not go quietly into the night... We will not give up without a fight...
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