- I hear the Scopes-Monkey Trial isn't in Kansas history textbooks...
- Ideological idiocy
- Spokane Mayor, Another Republican Foe of Gay Rights is Outed
- Ivory-Billed Woodpecker not extinct! Let's celebrate by logging more of its habitat.
- IEDs Exploded at British Consulate in NYC.... ?¿?
- Big Brother wants to know everything about you......
- Human Guinea Pigs: Government-funded researchers tested AIDS drugs on foster children
- Abortion rights: stay polarized or compromise?
- Fair Taxing....?
- Judge rules 13 year old Florida Girl can have abortion
- Congressman John Conyers wants to know if Bush lied about WMD
- One more judicial thread, though strictly confined.
- MSNBC - Two U.S. F-18s reportedly collide over Iraq
- Interested in what the US Goverment doesn't want you to know?
- Pat Robertson: Federal judges are worse than Al-Qaeda
- British Elections in 3 days, your choice.
- UK Elections and TV coverage
- Im properly going to get shit for this
- In the Senate, only Republicans vote against providing armored Humvees for our troops
- ABC Nightline:14 Fed. Justice Officials 1980's Misconduct: False Prosecution
- culture wars - someone help me!
- All together now: Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are L - I - A - R - S
- Texas School Board Adds Bible Class
- It's time to ban gay books
- Political Litmus Tests for Technical Confrences
- Pro-GOP business groups refuse to back the nuclear option
- The Democratic Parties Royalty Fight It Out!
- Delay is at it again. He wants to appoint politically religous juges
- Finding the middle ground: The Six Moderate Senators
- Would someone please...
- Santorum's Latest Corporate Welfare Bill
- Forsaken Roots
- Politics - Reality Soap Opera Entertainment
- the new pope,whats really in this guys past?
- Scalia and a gallon of Astroglide
- Jane Fonda, Kerry, Prescott & GHW Bush,& Reagan Traitors?=Bush & Nixon War Criminals?
- Does anything go right at the Air Force Academy?
- Hati, Aristide, and what can be done.
- Ann Coulter on the cover of Time Magazine
- more abortions = less crime?
- Any avid watchers of c-span?
- What Do You KNOW About The Status of Post War Iraq or of the War on Terror?
- John Pilger - Palestine
- Sexual assualt in high school
- Is there a bigger scumbag than Harry Reid?
- If I say, "Nigger", And mean no offense, do I still offend
- A Black Scholar in Politically Correct Academia
- Filibustering Judges is Anti-Christian
- Prisons, my view and yours
- Kiss Chapter 7's goodbye. Thank you Pres. Bush
- The bucks stops.....over there
- Christian Fundamentalist Pornography?
- Americans Support Blog Censorship
- BSE coverup in the USA?
- spinning globalization?
- John McCain takes a stand against changing the filibuster
- Oink! Oink!
- Are we heading towards communism?
- Florida to legalize public dueling
- The Environmental Protection Agency Takes On A New Role
- Schiavo talking points memo...fake?
- When pharmacists refuse, market is best medicine
- Canada: Is the Gomery Inquiry going to bring down the Liberals?
- Iraqis demand reality TV
- British General Election
- Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX): Violence against judges is political
- TFP Annoyances
- Kudos to John Danforth for Speaking Out Against Republican "Religious Agenda"
- Tell me what's wrong with this income tax model
- Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky called "fiction-writers" by By James DeMeo, Ph.D.
- The Attrocities of Christopher Columbus
- Are They Turning the U.S.into the fundamentalist christian republic of America?
- Shoukd We "Move On" or Take to the Streets?
- Nuclear missiles discovered in hidden Iraqi bunkers
- Koran scholar: US will cease to exist in 2007
- Is there a bigger scumbag than Tom Delay?
- Veggie Pope?
- What can I say....
- Not pleased with my party at this time
- Woman Sues Over N.C. Anti-Cohabitation Law
- I Am a Liberal, But I Am Amoral ??? Compared to What?
- AARP: The Real Heavyweight on Social Security
- College Faculties and the free marketplace of ideas, not
- MSNBC Sez; 61 yrs. old High Ranking BSA Official Guilty of Having Male Child Porn
- Time to throw in the towel?
- political parties...
- Mind Siege - Tim LaHaye & David Nobel: A Call to Arms?
- the best form of Economy...
- A taste of what Bush has for us...
- Saudis' chartered flights: The debate was heightened by the filmmaker Michael Moore
- Neal Boortz commentary on Terri Schiavo issue, entitled "Because She's Earned It"
- Seperation of Church and Conservatism
- Political Bake Sale
- NRA Says Teachers Should Have Guns
- Native Americans Criticize Bush's Silence on Red Lake
- Nice to see someone asking the tough questions
- Smut's Insidious Threat
- GOP on the brink of losing on the nuclear option
- Would you personally pull the plug on Schiavo?
- 1 of the truths about tax cuts:
- How/when will the US current acount deficit turn around.
- Are the Highest Response "Politics" Thread Subjects Least Likely to Impact Any of Us?
- If you were in Terri Schiavo's shoes, what would you want done?
- Is there some sort of daily Right Wing Memo?
- secrecy of US government
- Americans heavily disapprove of gov't action in Schiavo case
- Playgirl editor fired after admitting being Republican
- US misleads Allies
- GOP needs a name change
- What is the value of compromise?
- Long Term Thinking
- Wolfowitz nominated to head world bank?
- It Appears that Bush & Cheney Are Wrong on Oil Policy, When Are These Guys Right?
- Men are better than women at being cops
- Nuclear option in the Senate: Opinions
- Common Ground Exp.1: Universal Healthcare
- I need some help guys!
- Does anyone think this is a good thing?
- Paid Propaganda
- A Different Take on Iran
- The Prevention of Terrorism Bill
- Bathroom Humor - Politicians can be funny sometimes
- Is this good news for the "War on Terrorism"?
- Ward Churchill's Buyout
- University of CO professor Reprimanded
- Corporate Backstabbing at (WorkPlace Politics)
- Political Experiment: Common Ground
- Bankruptcy Reform: Are Bush & Republican Legislators "Betraying" Their Constituents ?
- Is Founder and Publisher of Captol Hill Blue, Doug Thompson, Criticism Premature?
- Race as a Factor in College Admissions/AA and MLK
- We're number 37!! We're number 37!!
- Incompetence, deliberate or a genuine mistake?
- And China ramps up
- The Politics of Hotel Rwanda
- Iran Tells Everybody to "Stick It"
- Michael Moore exposed
- Fatal Flaw in "No Child Left Behind Act"
- Is Greenspan a "Hack"?
- Hiring based on a person's religion: Good or Bad?
- Smoking Ban
- Are the Feb. 18 Harris Iraq Poll Results "The triumph of Opinion Over News"?
- Iraqis demonstrate against terrorism
- Farmers should know that you reap what you sow.
- Free Speech vs $1,560,000.00 Speech
- Foreigners Adopting More African-American Babies
- Anyone else getting bored in here????
- Was it More Balls or Hypocrisy to Publicly Lecture Putin About Democracy?
- Finally, a pro life bill that liberals can agree on
- currency crash?
- judicial nominee circus ready to begin
- Has The White House and Texas Republican Party Lied About Ties To Jeff Gannon And Why
- Protection for doctors
- Medical Malpractice
- Why does America try to force democracy?
- Has Bush Become Too Isolated and Controversial To Even Be A Benefit To His Supporters
- File Sharing Not Dead
- Canada backs out of North American missile defence system
- Is anyone actually worried about global warming?
- The AARP loves gays and hates America
- First SpongeBob gets it for being gay, now Shrek
- Compassion, Canadian Style
- The founding fathers don't care about you or your religious causes.
- A big win for the 1st Amendment
- Voting against the separation of church and state
- FCC and News
- Son of Satan promoted by Bush again.
- Paul Martin on Gay Marriage
- Martial Law coming to a city near you
- What is the "Uriah Syndrome"
- Michael Moore Exposed Truth about our Leaders' Wartime Commitment
- Iran Freedom and Support Act of 2005 Introduced in Senate
- Looks like we're going to have a "draft" after all
- Refute Democratic Policy here! (but with facts)
- Using eminent domain to take church-owned property
- You Gotta be Kidding Me
- Kyoto Protocol enters in action
- Bash the Dems here (but with facts)
- U.S. pulling Ambassador out of Syria
- Popular Mechanis & the fire in Madrid
- Do Religious Right's Beliefs Pose Threat to U.S.?
- Academic 'Bill of Rights' or Government Censorship?
- 65% of Americans support teaching creationism in public schools
- The future of the world
- Opinion poll "Dean"
- Memo...and Rice
- What is your political affiliation (or do you even have one)?
- Blair Apology to 'terrorists'
- How much do you value the right to vote?
- Thanks For The Memories
- A Proposal for the new Liberal
- Is the White House doing more harm than good...
- Political parties should be unconstitutional
- Bill sets fine for low-riding pants
- Looks like N. Korea's on the agenda now too...
- Your thoughts wanted here.
- So... Iran IS on the agenda.
- Bush Puts The "Big" Back in Big Government
- Mental health of the president and electorate
- Formal ceasefire between Israel & Palestine
- what did you expect?
- A Deconstruction
- The American Conservative, "Hunger for Dictatorship"
- Hypothetical...home budget
- How to truly "cure" SS
- "Choose Death" License Plates
- Survey sheds new light on Arab views of West
- State of the Union online?
- New York's same-sex marriage ban struck down
- Make it Stop....I Can't Take Anymore, Can You?
- The GOP gets caught in yet another media scam
- Anti-Semitic ads in the Washington Times
- Bush's plan to forfeit your SS account profits
- Inheritance of Email
- Bush pledges big foreign aid to Palestine. Should we do it?
- How adultery is punished in Islamic nations
- Sunni muslims question Iraq vote verocity
- Fact check
- Tens of thousands of Iraqi voters were turned away
- Fox News Buys Al-Jazeera
- Judge declares military tribunals in Guantanamo unconstitutional
- Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder
- Evolution Takes a Back Seat in U.S. Classes
- Was Bush Right?
- Virginia's "Traditional Marriage" License Plate
- Gorbachev Calls Iraqi Elections 'Fake'
- Is forced freedom still freedom?
- Students these days don't mind government censorship
- Motor nerves successfully grown from stem cells
- Red State Road Trip Videos -- Highly Recommended
- Christian ultimatum to Bush on the gay marriage amendment
- What was Cheney thinking? Nothing?
- Electoral College
- Bush spends $6.1 billion on 23 helicopters
- Who will win the Iraqi Election?
- The most obvious problem with the Iraqi elections..
- Iraqis Abroad Voting?
- Iraqi Elections: Poll
- Did I do that?
- Thinking of responding to this pro-life editorial, but not sure where to start.
- The Minimum Wage Argument: Is it too Low?
- PBS show 'banned' for depicting gay couples.
- Today's economic news, thanks George
- Bush payoffs to yet another journalist are uncovered
- Pat Buchanan claims Bush is NOT a true or tough conservative?
- Interesting new take on Affirmative Action
- Founding Fathers? So what?
- The Armstrong Williams saga
- My sentiments exactly.
- Broader search rules for the police ...
- National 'No Name-Calling' Week Irks Conservatives