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#1 (permalink) | |
Registered User
Location: Somewhere in Ohio
Just how tough are you?
Hopefully, tougher than this dumbass!
![]() ![]() Better yet, just be a little smarter than this moron. LINKY Quote:
Obviously, I don't blame the guy that's in charge of these events. I heard this story on the Stern show today and what they said was there were only two women who entered the event and one woman didn't show up. So they asked someone in the crowd if they wanted to fight the woman that did showed up. No doubt the lady who stepped forward was a complete lardass and thought she could kick the shit out of the smaller woman in the ring. She got exactly what she deserved. It's too damn bad that this didn't happen before she decided to breed and raise a completely fucked up family. She was retarded for even doing something like this because she was a mother, and obviously a horrible one, that never had a rational thought fill her empty head. Now I'm sure the husband is gonna try to sue even though I'm sure he'll lose. It was her fault and he should blame himself for not having enough sense to tell his wife not to do something that dumb. |
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#4 (permalink) | |
Registered User
Location: Somewhere in Ohio
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#7 (permalink) |
Location: Wandering in the Desert of Life
Wow, the compassion is really flowing around here. Yes, it was dumb. Yes, she had no business being in the ring. Yes, the organizers have a responsibilty to ensure anyone getting into the ring in capable of doing so.
And while it does not offend me, "retarded" is really a loaded word. Not trying to be PC, but come on people.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so." -Douglas Adams |
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#9 (permalink) |
Cute and Cuddly
Location: Teegeeack.
Anybody is literally one punch away from death. Bad luck is all it takes. Well, we have a night club here in Taiwan that has the same thing going - fights on the dance floor. Anybody can sign up, but you have to do so early. A lot of people want in on it. I'm not signing up...
The above was written by a true prophet. Trust me. "What doesn't kill you, makes you bitter and paranoid". - SB2000 |
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#13 (permalink) |
Wake up
Location: Nowhere special
Well, I'd have to agree that it wasn't too smart getting into the ring to box when she didn't even have training or any boxing practice but i still think calling her retarded and making fun of her is just a little too much.
"I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to." -- Donnie Darko |
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#14 (permalink) | |
Registered User
Location: Somewhere in Ohio
![]() I'll bet my balls on the fact that I'm more capable of being a parent than 80% of parents out there!! |
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#15 (permalink) |
The Northern Ward
Location: Columbus, Ohio
240 lbs, yikes. I gotta say, the sight of that mountain of lard hitting the mat must have been nothing short of hypnotic.
"I went shopping last night at like 1am. The place was empty and this old woman just making polite conversation said to me, 'where is everyone??' I replied, 'In bed, same place you and I should be!' Took me ten minutes to figure out why she gave me a dirty look." --Some guy |
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#16 (permalink) |
Location: Philly
Because someone is an absolute moron do they deserve to die? If some idiot was about to jump off a cliff because he thought he could fly, shouldn't we step in and try to stop him?
After the first knockdown, when it was obvious she was getting the shit beat out of her, the fight should have been stopped. I like a good fight with talented opponents but who wants to watch a drunk get physically fucked up? Thats entertainment to a sadist.
For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that may have heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length. And there I travel, looking, looking, ...breathlessly. -Carlos Castaneda |
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#18 (permalink) |
The Northern Ward
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Retards don't procreate guy.
"I went shopping last night at like 1am. The place was empty and this old woman just making polite conversation said to me, 'where is everyone??' I replied, 'In bed, same place you and I should be!' Took me ten minutes to figure out why she gave me a dirty look." --Some guy |
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#20 (permalink) | ||
Location: MI
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#22 (permalink) |
Location: London...no longer a student
hmmm she may have been stupid etc but however stupid it may have been, she is still the kids parents and imagine how they must feel now... It ain't fair on them that they have watched their mother die more or less in front of their eyes.
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#23 (permalink) |
Location: SF Bay Area, CA
I don't understand where your antagonism comes from, sixate.
None of you knew this woman, I think it's unfair to call her "stupid" or a "moron" because of a choice she made that lead to her unsuspected death (maybe reasonably so). If I climbed in a ring with someone, being the amateur I am, I would probably not assume the chances of me being killed would be terribly high. Most likely an asskicking at the worst. EDIT: Also, if undesirable people are to be left to their own and waste their own lives (in your opinion) doing what they want, maybe you should shut up and let them do what they want. Last edited by butthead; 08-14-2003 at 01:22 PM.. |
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#24 (permalink) |
Fly em straight!
Location: Above and Beyond
Sixate, I have to agree with you, however, I take a tiny bit more of a compassionate approach. Yes, she was fucked up in the noggin way before she stepped into the ring. Yes, making a decision like that would probably be grounds for her making plenty of rash and idiotic decisions in the future. I do feel sorry for her and her family and friends that such a fucked up event even had to happen. And she isn't retarted.....she is mentally disabled.
Doh!!!! -Homer Simpson |
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#25 (permalink) | |
Location: SF Bay Area, CA
Assuming you're not the rediculously angsty teen-like tough guy you make yourself to be on the board. |
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#27 (permalink) | ||
Registered User
Location: Somewhere in Ohio
I let people do what they want and I'm all for dumb people being as selfdestructive as possible so death occurs. ![]() BTW, your sig cracked me up. ![]() Quote:
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#28 (permalink) |
Registered User
Location: Somewhere in Ohio
I'll also give you some reasons as to why I am against drug/alcohol use sooo much. See, all my friends got hooked on drugs once we got into High School. I didn't really give a crap back then cause they were my friends. Now we're all around 26, give or take a year or two, and all of them still live at home. Don't have jobs and do absolutely nothing with their lives, but somehow they find a way to get cash for their drugs and booze. WTF! It's time to grow up. I was no saint either. I never did any drugs, but I did drink heavily for a little over a year right after I got out of high school. I mean heavily too. I wasn't a beer drinker. I liked hard alcohol. Give me a bottle of whiskey and it would be gone in about an hour. I drank the shit like water. I never liked to get drunk. I actually hated that feeling, but I really loved the taste of booze, and still do. I just choose not to drink. I will admit that I do drink about 2 or 3 three times a year, but only on a special occasion and I don't get drunk. Also, I won't say it's not hurting my body cause it is. It kills brain cells and damages my liver every single time I take a sip of the shit. There's nothing good about it. Anyway, I drank so much that all my druggie/drunk friends told me I was gonna be an alcoholic. I always laughed and told them I could quit any time I wanted cause I'm not the type of person to get addicted to anything. Of course they said that's what all alcoholics say. I proved them all wrong. I remember the day/minute I quit. I was at a friends drinking a bottle of whiskey back in October of 96 at about 11:37 pm and the 10 people in the house all made the statement that they liked me much better when I was drunk because I acted just like them........ I quit that second, I handed the rest of my bottle over to a friend of mine, walked out the door and didn't have a drink for 2 years, and stopped hanging out with them because I decided I wasn't going to be like them. I'm much better off today because of what I did that day.
On to the drugs. I have had personal experiences with people that piss me off to the point that I wish I could beat some sense into them. A friend of mine that I work with has a serious drug problem. You name it and he's doing it. Plus he drinks on top of that. He has a young child. He has tried to commit suicide twice and both times his boy saw it. The most recent was not too long ago. He hung himself, for a second time in just a few years, this time right in front of his boy. Almost died both times. As luck would have it people just happened to come over and get help to save his life. This last time he was in the hospital and I went to see him. I told him that he needed to get some help cause he had a kid and it was time to grow up. He threw his tray of food on me and spit in my face. I fucking lost it and punched him in his fucking nose and broke it. I'm not proud of what I did, but I know I'd do it again if I was ever in that situation. I damn near went to jail that night, but my friend didn't want to press charges, lucky for me. So it took along time to get the nurses calmed the hell down so they would just let it slide. The sad part is he is a drug addict, so is he ex, and his and her parents. Do you really think that this child has a chance? Dude, it's a fucking never ending cycle and he himself is a perfect example of my point. It's hard to rise up and be better than your parents. Not many people do it. We are a product of our environment, and if we all grew up under the same situations as this child I'd bet that almost all of us would turn out to be drug addicts. Now I know you're gonna say he's fucked up and not everyone is like that, but I could name you so many other things damn near as bad as that. All dudes that I either work with or that I was friends with at some point in time. I just don't have the time to type out all the fucked up situations I've experienced with fucking drug addicts. I have never had a positive experience with anyone who uses drugs.... And I never will. It's impossible. |
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#29 (permalink) | |||
Location: SF Bay Area, CA
Do you think it's impossible for "smart" people to do "stupid" things? Quote:
Btw, this isn't a drug debate. |
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#30 (permalink) |
Wake up
Location: Nowhere special
In response to what sixate said about drug and alcohol use:
Thats one thing we can both agree on. I'm sure as hell never going to use drugs (unless prescribed by a doctor) and i'm sure not gonna become an alcoholic. It just seems to stupid to get hooked on that shit knowing all the shit it can do to you. And most of the people i know that are on drugs aren't too smart. And any kid that has had to be brought up in that kind of shitty envirenment sure as hell didn't deserve it.
"I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to." -- Donnie Darko |
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#31 (permalink) | |
Registered User
Location: Somewhere in Ohio
Second, I said that because she has children who needed her. She was dumb enough to do something stupid and she ended up killing herself. Now her kids suffer because of her actions and lack of responsibility. A good mother would never even dream of doing something like that. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she was a little buzzed up before getting into the ring. To say that she never had a rational thought fill her empty head was a little bit of an exaggeration. She may have had one or two in her life. ![]() You can call me a trolling teenager with no compassion all you want. That doesn't bother me a little. I have plenty more common sense than that couple, and that's why they suffer more than me. They don't know how to make smart decisions and I don't feel sorry. Yes, I already know that I lack compassion. I have almost none. *shrug* I know it's definitely one of my bad traits. Lastly, nice way to ignore my last post. ![]() |
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#32 (permalink) | |||||
Location: SF Bay Area, CA
Last edited by butthead; 08-14-2003 at 05:29 PM.. |
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#33 (permalink) | |
Registered User
Location: Somewhere in Ohio
One last thing. I wouldn't call people flaming assholes around here cause it will get you banned. If you ever say that to a member again you will be banned. I could care less that you called me that, but it's board policy so you're probably lucky that you won't get banned. You should know better. I'm closing the thread because you can't debate anything without name calling. |
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