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Old 06-18-2006, 04:29 AM   #1 (permalink)
Crack's Avatar
Location: Ohio! yay!
Ever wonder what happens when you reply to the Nigerian scammers?

Well, I did. So, the next time I got an e-mail from one, I responded!

Here is where I am at now. Sorry for the length, but It is basically a cut and paste from a junk yahoo mail address that I use to sign up for stuff on websites. You can see from the E-mails, that it uses the Last name Sexton. This is indeed my last name, please don't stalk me!
(it's too bad that my real name isn't Brian Griffin, that would be sweet!)


The First Letter I Recieved

From the Desk: Barr. Thomas Cole.
Amicable & Associates(LEGAL PRACTITIONERS)
25 Wilson Road Ikoyi
Lagos- Nigeria.


Private / Highly Confidential
Subject Matter: Invitation to act as Next-of-Kin.

Dear Sexton,

I write this august letter in confidence, believing that it will reach
you in high spirit and I believe you will maintain the level of
confidence and trust matters of this nature requires.Though, I know that this
proposal may make you apprehensive and worried, but I assure
you that all will be well at the end. Before proceeding,I wish to
introduce myself a barrister at law and the principal consultant of Amicable

I am Barrister Thomas Cole, a personal attorney to one Engr. Richard
Burson Sexton, I need a reputable person to handle this confidential
transaction which involves the transfer of a huge sum of money to a
foreign account.

THE PROPOSITION: A foreigner, Late Engineer Richard Burson Sexton, an
Oil Merchant/contractor with the Federal Government of Nigeria, until
his untimely death some year ago, who perished in a plane crash of 31st
October 1999[WITH EGYPTIAN AIRLINE 990] with other passengers
aboard as you can confirm it yourself through the website below.

http://www.cnn.com/US/9910/31/egyptair.03/ ,

Since the demise of my client I personally have watched with keen
interest to see the next of kin but all has proved abortive as no one has
come to claim his funds of US$10.5M(Ten Million,Five Hundred Thousand
United States Dollars Only) and all the relevant documents in
the bank has no record of any next of kin. On this note, I decided to
seek for whom his name shall be used as his next of kin so i have
contacted you to assist in repatriating most especially, the money left
behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared
unserviceable by the bank where the huge deposits were
lodged.Particularly, the Equity Development Bank Plc, where the deceased had an account
valued at about Usd 10.5million dollars has issued me a notice to
provide the Next of kin,or have the account confiscated.

Valuable efforts has being made by me to get in touch with any of the
Sexton`s family or relatives but there has been no success. It is
because of the perceived possibility of not being able to locate any of Late
Engr. Sexton`s next-of-kin (he died with his wife and two
children),The bank wants the funds to be declared UNCLAIMABLE in
another 6 months from now,if nobody stands as the next of kin before then,
and subsequently donated to the Red Cross and the trust fund of the
directors of the bank which to us is fraudulent, In order to prevent
this,The management under the influence of a director Sir Frank Willy some of
my trusted colleagues and I now seek your permission to have you stand
as a next-of-kin to Late Engr.Richard Burson Sexton so that the funds
US$10.5M would be released and paid into your account as the
beneficiary? next-of-kin. All documents to enable you get this fund will be
carefully worked out by us.

This proposal is 100% risk-free.We have agreed that, the funds be
shared thus, after it must have been transferred into your account.

1. 30% of the money will go to you for acting as the beneficiary of the

2. 10% will be setaside for reimbursement to both parties for any
incidental expenses that may be incurred in the course of the transfer.

3. 60% to us the originators of the transaction. If this proposal is
acceptable to you, then take advantage of the trust we have bestowed on
you,kindly get to me immediately.Note that all cumentations and
information to enhance this transaction is in perfect order. Please furnish me
with your most confidential telephone, fax number so that I can use
these information to apply for the release and subsequent transfer of the
funds in your favour.

I seek your consent to present you as the Next of kin of the deceased
since you bear the same last name so that the proceeds of this account
valued at Usd 10.5 million dollars can be paid to you, as my clients
Next of Kin, and then we can share the amount on a mutual agreed
percentage.All legal documents to back up your claim as the deceased
Next of Kin will be provided.

All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal
through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate
arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law and you should
endeavor to keep it confidential.

As soon as I receive your acceptance in principle, I will furnish you
with the necessary modalities for commencement. Nevertheless, you can
contact me on my private email
address:thomascole1960@terramail.com.sv for further discussion.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated co-operation.

Yours faithfully,

Barr. Thomas Cole.
Ok, so I got one! yay!
This is what I sent back to him.

Dear Barr. Cole.

I am sad to hear of the loss of Richard Burson Sexton. This will be a great loss to the sexton family, please tell me more about your proposal, as I have just come into a large sum of money, and I am willing to help out the sexton family that helped me out so in the past.
Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon
Brian Griffin Sexton
I figured the mention of the "large sum of money" would spark their attention

It only took 3 hours for them to respond!

Here is the First Response

Dear Brian Griffin Sexton ,

I got your mail, Thanks for your sincerity. But i must tell you I am happy that I have finally found a trustworthy person who is willing and ready to assist me get the funds that was deposited by my late Engr.Richard Burson Sexton, I want you to understand the means of getting the funds into your account.This transaction is between both of us and they should be no third party for security reasons.All i want for you is to stand as the next of kin to my late client.

Here is the full details of how this transaction will be achieved. Firstly, I will like to clearly make you understand that legally, you have nothing to worry about as far as this inheritance claim is concerned. As a lawyer with seventeen years of experience I make bold to say with full authority that this business is 100% legal and safe. I hope you have read my first letter to your understanding? It is my desire to go into business relationship with you. But this is based on your professional assistance, willingness, trust sincerity and give out your undivided effort.

Late Engr. Richard Burson Sexton, is my client and I am his family attorney here in my country where he died with his wife and children. He has deposited the sum of $10.5million in a bank call Equity Development Bank here in my country before he died. I will provide all the legal documents, like the Deposit Certificate and his Death Certificate.

Further to this I wish to let you understand that I am a man of 53years, married, with four children. But there is one thing I want you to know. I don't want a situation whereby we have started this business you will one day change. Because some times humans change when it comes to dealings with money. I have contacted you because we two can always understand each other. Moreso I want you to know that this transaction must be kept absolutely confidential. I am banking on you not to disclose this business to any body. I want us to go into business relationship, this is why I contacted you. If you are willing to work with me, you must always follow my instructions in order not to make mistakes.

I was the deceased attorney, this legally means that I am mandated to carry out any business dealings on his behalf, as if he was present. I was his attorney for several years until his death.

I was his closest confidant as explained above, the deceased had no next of kin to inhenrit the mentioned amount and his entire estate. Being the deceased attorney I am the only person who can confirm to the bank the claim of any next of kin, and also advice the bank to effect payment to such a beneficiary.

And the reason that you were contacted is because you bear the same surname as the deceased, and that the deceased migrated from your country down to nigeria. I want you to put in a claim as the next of kin to the deceased.when I authorize the payment to you, and the money gets into your account, you will take 30%, while I take 60% and 10% for any expenses we may encounter. if you agree with this, then this is how we are going to progress with the business-:

(a). I will provide you with the recent bank statement of the deceased and his death certificate.

(b). You will be required to engage the services of a lawyer, who will professionally act on your behalf, as your attorney. such a lawyer to be hired, must be duly registered in nigeria and practices in nigeria. The attorney will process all the required legal back up documents from the high court of nigeria and forward same to the bank with the banks application form for inheritance claims on your behalf.

(c). When the bank receives your claims application, they will immediately draw my attention to it notifying me that someone has put in a claim as the next of kin to the deceased. I will be asked by the bank to verify the genuiness of the said claim and recommend to them, what action they should take as regards payment.

(d). The bank on the receipt of my confirmation, will now get in touch with you, through your the probate attorney who is standing on your behalf there in my country.

(e). When the bank receives your banking information, they will release the money into your nominated account.

The above is a very concise explanation of the entire process of this business transaction. This mentioned process will only take ten banking days to complete from the day that your attorney submits the papers to the bank. Now I will only do this business with you on the condition that you will promise to be absolutely honest with me, and that you will respect the confidentiality of this business transaction, and keep it as such.

Again we will have to familiarize ourselves, by providing a picture identity of ourselves, so that we can both know whom we are dealing with business wise. I will need to see your identity, and your postal and residential address. Attached is my personal picture.

Warmest Regards,

Barrister Thomas Cole.
Well, alrighty then, wanna see his picture? I know you do!
So here it is!

and there is whatever this is, maybe his "law license" or something...lol

Nice right? Well, about 3 hours later

I get this:

Dear Brian Griffin Sexton,

I will come over to your country for disburement immediately you confirm from your bankers that the funds are in your account. What can of job do you do for a living? What kind of joint business venture you want both parties to invest in your country. I want you to always check your mail because we need to act fast for the bank to transfer the money into your account and Please i am begging you not to disclose this transaction to any body until you confirm the money in your account.I want you to furnish me your identification for me to know whom i am dealing with.

I have told you our different percentage ratio which is 60% to me and 30% to you and 10% for any incured expenses in the course of transfering the funds to your account .
I was my client legal adviser when he was alive, so he made the deposit of the funds to the bank (Equity Development Bank )

I have with me his Death Certificate from the Federal Minsitry of health and the Deposit Certificate which he used in making the deposit.

I want you to know that these certificates are the only prove of ownership to the funds. So I can not give them to you unless you prove to me that you are ready and willing to assist me both morally, financially and your undivided effort in making sure that you assist me to the last in this transaction.

As I don't want a situation whereby you will change and I cannot get the funds anymore. That is why in my second mail I told you we need the services of a Registered Probate Attorney who will act on your behalf in introducing you to the bank after you agree to this terms. As immediately the probate attorney gets to know you I cannot introduce anybody else to the bank.

So, if you are accepting my options then we shall go ahead with the transaction.

1. we shall pay the fees for the probate attorney to commence work. E.g. Like getting all the needed documents from the probate registrar and High Court stating your new next of kin status.

2. If you accept your 30% without any greed or change of mind immediately you confirm the money in your account.

3.Any amount we spend will be deducted from the 10% I mapped out for expenses immediately the funds are transfered and confirmed in your account.


Barr. Thomas Cole.

Call me on + 234 80 23770379 for oral discussions. I need your picture for identification. As I have attach my late client picture with this mail
And as in the e-mail before, I get a picture of his "Late Client" You wanna see? All you have to do is say you wanna see it, and i'll show you! Come on! Fine, here it is!

Man oh man, he looks rich! I am gonna be rolling in the green soon!

So now, the ball is in my court, I am gonna put some stuff together, like a picture, and an address, and i'll post on here when I finally do.

Edit: I have sent them another e-mail:

Here is what I wrote:

as requested, I have attached my Photograph, sorry about the quality, it was a school photo from 2 years ago, but I have not changed much since then.
My address is: 31 Spooner Street, Quahog Rhode Island, 02859. Do you need a telephone number so we might converce oraly? I tried calling that telephone number you sent me, and no one answers, is it correct?
I have a question for you before we commit to this transaction any further, are you still looking for relatives for Mr. Richard Burson Sexton, or am I the only one you were able to find? I am not in this for the money, I just want to be of assistance to you and the Sexton family in their time of need.

Thank you,
Not too bad right? hehe, "31 Spooner Street, Quahog Rhode Island, 02859" come on, that's golden! well anyways, here is the picture I sent him, not sure who it is, but he looks gullible!

Mod note: pic removed due to age, see below

Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.


Last edited by Halx; 02-24-2007 at 11:28 AM..
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Old 06-18-2006, 06:04 AM   #2 (permalink)
...is a comical chap
Grasshopper Green's Avatar
Location: Where morons reign supreme
Hehe. The picture you sent looks familiar though...perhaps he was an actor in the 80's?
"They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king"

Formerly Medusa
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Old 06-18-2006, 08:36 AM   #3 (permalink)
shoegirl's Avatar
Location: Ohio
Yep, it's the kid who played Brian Krackow on My So Called Life!
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Old 06-18-2006, 08:49 AM   #4 (permalink)
Eat your vegetables
genuinegirly's Avatar
Super Moderator
Location: Arabidopsis-ville
LOL this is hilarious. Thanks for sharing! I wonder if the Nigerian realizes that you're fooling with him.
"Sometimes I have to remember that things are brought to me for a reason, either for my own lessons or for the benefit of others." Cynthetiq

"violence is no more or less real than non-violence." roachboy
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Old 06-18-2006, 09:24 AM   #5 (permalink)
SecretMethod70's Avatar
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by shoegirl2219
Yep, it's the kid who played Brian Krackow on My So Called Life!
According to IMDB, that actor would have been 16/17 when that picture was taken in 1994 (the copyright year on the bottom corner), so I've had to remove it.

Now back to your regularly scheduled Nigerian e-mail scammer bashing!
Le temps détruit tout

"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling
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Old 06-18-2006, 10:04 AM   #6 (permalink)
Borla's Avatar
There have been people on some of the other boards I frequent who have done the same thing. Some have drug it out for WEEKS, getting the people to photograph themselves with signs saying embarassing things (that would only be familiar to people who knew English/message board slang), and all kinds of crazy stuff.
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde!!!!
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Old 06-18-2006, 10:15 AM   #7 (permalink)
Let's put a smile on that face
blahblah454's Avatar
Location: On the road...
This stuff is great! I hope to hear more.
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Old 06-18-2006, 10:31 AM   #8 (permalink)
Crack's Avatar
Location: Ohio! yay!
Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
According to IMDB, that actor would have been 16/17 when that picture was taken in 1994 (the copyright year on the bottom corner), so I've had to remove it.

Now back to your regularly scheduled Nigerian e-mail scammer bashing!
ah, that's cool, I had no clue who it was, I did a gis for "Brian" and he looked most like a gullible guy, but whatever, I am still waiting a 4th email!
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

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Old 06-18-2006, 07:58 PM   #9 (permalink)
Pleasure Burn
Painted's Avatar
This is very interesting! Have him mail something, like a copy of the death certificate.
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Old 06-18-2006, 08:05 PM   #10 (permalink)
PredeconInferno's Avatar
Location: Unfortunately Houston, TX
I know a guy who once did a similar thing. It was when that african gold scamming thing was going around, right. I don't really know the details but I know he brought their product's quality into question. He even had a buddy of his pretend to be some type of chemist or something or other when they spoke over the phone.

Long story short: he ended up scamming the scammers for something over 100 USD

I thought it was pretty funny.
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Old 06-18-2006, 08:52 PM   #11 (permalink)
goddfather40's Avatar
Location: Cali-for-nye-a
The following website has been discussed several times before:


It is one of the funniest sites I remember encountering. It includes "strategy" for baiting these people and pages upon pages of pictures of the scammers looking stupid. I'm too lazy to fuck with these people so I get my kicks by going to this site. The ultimate accomplishment is to actually scam the scammers as PredeconInferno alluded to above.
My name is goddfather40 and I approved this message.

I got ho's and I got bitches,
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-MC Plus+
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Old 06-18-2006, 08:57 PM   #12 (permalink)
This is great. Keep us posted.
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Old 06-19-2006, 01:15 PM   #13 (permalink)
Crack's Avatar
Location: Ohio! yay!
Another E-mail!

Dear Brian Griffin Sexton,

I believe you read my second mail which I explained in details what you need concerning the inheritance claim. First I must confess to you all I need from you is your sincerity and undivided effort in this transaction. what I need from you is that you should go ahead and contact any of the probate attorney, as I have the two certificates with me, but I must get your seriousness in this matter before releasing those documents to you. I recieved your picture and i want you to contact any of the probate attorney. I am not looking for any relatives or Richard Burson Sexton, Thanks God i have found you all i need from you is sincerity and trust.

As I want you to bear in mind that if you will be willing to work with me, we shall get this funds within the next 6-7 banking working days.

This is what you should do immediately you get this mail.

Like I told you this transaction is 100% risk free and it must go through all the legal authorities involved in stating your new next of kin status as amended in 1969 act of the federal Republic of Nigeria sub section 31 paragraph 4, which states in the cause of death, any next of kin must provide all the needed backup which are the paperwork which must be presented to the Supreme High Court here in Nigeria by a registered practising probate attorney and the cause of death must be determined by presenting the Death Certificate to the Federal Ministry of Health for validation, if their is any money lodged, then the Deposit Certificate must be presented to the bank or finance institute for authentification and verifications of the said funds and if the certificates are legal, then the deceased family will have a representative for the whole family that will be either present or they will be presented by a legal counsel that will represent the family and sign all documents in regards to getting the approval of the funds in their favour.

I am a legal practitioner here in my country and I know all the legal implications if anything goes wrong, one my license will be revoked so I am giving you the assurance that nothing bad will occure as I have perfected this transaction for the past years when I lost my late client and the legal prove of death and deposit of the said funds are with me which goes to show that we have a claim to make through the due processes of this great country.

I will scan the two certificates to you immediately you contact any of the probate attorney below. In order to advance,l have made enquiries as to the best probate attorney whose services you will engage for this transaction.

You should ask the Probate attorney that you want to engage his services, and to know exactly what it will cost us to get the funds transfered.

Find below contact of probate experts:

Address: 23 Ajose Adeju street Apapa, Lagos.
Email Address:gbengatilo_chambers@yahoo.com

Address: 4b Kingways road, Ikoyi Lagos.
Email Address:barr_harry_ademola@hotmail.com

Please contact the probates experts immediately with the below text:
Dear Attorney,

It was of late I heard about the death of my uncle Mr. Richard Burson Sexton,who died in a plane crash with all his immediate family.

Please tell me what it will take me to get his estates and cash deposit of $10.5 million USD. with the Equity Development Bank Plc as the only surviving next of kin.

I wish you can expedite action on this matter and hope to hear from you soonest.

Sincerely yours,

Brian Griffin Sexton.
Please treat as urgent and respond immediately, we both shall assist financially and morally and we must in our undivided effort in the course of getting the paperwork(Legal Documents)

Like I have explained to you, this transaction should be kept confidential as you know you might not be related to my late client, but let us utilize this opportunity in getting the funds into your account.

I trust you and please do not betray this trust. You should choose any of the above mentioned probate attorney and send the below mail to him.

You shall not be present here in my country so you will not appear in court but the probate attorney will do that on your behalf that is why I said you need his services as you cannot do it yourself.

I want you to give me a call immediately you get this email on my mobile number + 234 80 23770379 as it is very important we talk orally and i want you to furinish me with your private telephone number. This ia how to get me on my mobile number, buy a international calling card and dail your 009, follow by my country code which is 234 follow by my area code which 80 and follow by my number which is 23770379.


Barr.Thomas Cole.
now... is he actually asking me to e-mail someone else? I find that odd, but oh well, the dude will abide!

ok, I just sent the e-mail he wanted to the above address, and then I sent him

This Reply

Dear Mr. Cole,
I hope this e-mail reaches you in the highest of spirits.
I have done as you asked, and sent the message to BARRISTER GBENGA TILO & ASSOCIATES. What is the next step from here? I would very much like to speak with you orally, but my mobile phone is currently unable, and I have never had much use for a regular telephone, as I am on the move for most of the year, and only settle down during the hottest of the summer months. I have also contacted an attorney in my country to help with the transaction. There is no need to worry, he is a close trusted friend of the Sexton family, and will not betray our confidence. He has asked me to get a copy of the certificate of death of Mr. Richard Burson Sexton, is this something you can help me with, or do I need to go to an alternative source?
There is one question that is weighing on my mind, in the letter below, you asked me to name Mr. Richard Burson Sexton as my Uncle, but he is not. Why would you ask me to lie? I understand if it is for some greater good, but can we not tell BARRISTER GBENGA TILO & ASSOCIATES that he is a merely a family member, and leave it at that? I only ask because the Sexton family is near and dear to my heart, and I do not wish to lie to them in this, their darkest hour.
Thanks you, and god bless your eyes,
Brian Griffin Sexton
these scamming fucks, they waste our time, I waste theirs.
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.


Last edited by Crack; 06-19-2006 at 01:32 PM..
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Old 06-19-2006, 01:56 PM   #14 (permalink)
Reese's Avatar
"In Other news, a local ohio man was killed by Nigerian scammers."
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Old 06-19-2006, 03:22 PM   #15 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
'God bless your eyes'????
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
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Old 06-19-2006, 03:24 PM   #16 (permalink)
haha great work, would love to see what happens next
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Old 06-19-2006, 03:41 PM   #17 (permalink)
Chicken scratch.
Gabbyness's Avatar
Location: Japan!!!
This is awesome, keep it up buddy. Like reading a great bedtime story.
One, two, three, four, fiiiiiiiifth.
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Old 06-19-2006, 05:17 PM   #18 (permalink)
Transfer Agent
troit's Avatar
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so... what happened?
I've yet to dephile myself...
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Old 06-20-2006, 01:44 AM   #19 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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Location: Australia/UAE
i await in eagerness... man this is better than any thriller ive seen. keep us posted crack!
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Old 06-20-2006, 02:25 AM   #20 (permalink)
tecoyah's Avatar
I dont know about you....but it garners so much confidence in my attorney when they have disposable E-mail accounts.....heh

"Find below contact of probate experts:

Address: 23 Ajose Adeju street Apapa, Lagos.
Email Address:gbengatilo_chambers@yahoo.com

Address: 4b Kingways road, Ikoyi Lagos.
Email Address:barr_harry_ademola@hotmail.com"

check out this site as well....freakin idiots...didnt even change the names....heh

Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha

Last edited by tecoyah; 06-20-2006 at 02:29 AM..
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Old 06-20-2006, 03:59 AM   #21 (permalink)
wolf's Avatar
Location: Right Behind You
God, this is priceless. I was sure they were going to ask you to pay for the plane ticket here. Please keep posting, this stuff is great!
Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as Gods. Cats have never forgotten this.
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Old 06-20-2006, 01:56 PM   #22 (permalink)
Crack's Avatar
Location: Ohio! yay!

20 June 06, I recieved 2 more e-mails, 1 from the orgional scammer, and another from the "BARRISTER" that they told me to send an e-mail to.

Here is the email from the "BARRISTER"

Subject: From The Desk Of Barrister Gbenga Tilo

Attn: Jaeret Sexton.


We acknowledge with thanks your e-mail . regarding the death of your uncle,
Engr. Richard Burson Sexton.

We confirm that we have considerable experience in Probate matters
especially in relation to deceased foreign Nationals with assets in Nigeria
and therefore will be able to advise you.

Before we proffer any detailed advice however, we will need certain
information about the deceased. As a preliminary point, please provide us
with answers to the following questions if you can:

(1) Which state did he Reside in Nigeria.

(2) Provide his death and deposit certificate with Equity Development Bank.

If you are his closest surviving relative, it simplifies matters and we can
procure a lot of vital information on your behalf in a relatively short

In any event, the first step is to find out whether he made a Will.
Quite often, testators deposit copies of their Wills at the Probate Registry
in the High Court ,of the State in which they reside. We can make enquiries
at the Probate Registry and advise you of our discoveries as a Will is a
public document, this will be a fairly straight forward task.

However, we shall provide you with details of our investigation and also
what it will cost you to process your inheritance claim with the probate
high court.

Expect to hear from us soon.

Yours Faithfully,

Barrister Gbenga Tilo.
Hmmm, not good news, they used my real name here, I wonder what I can do about that...

Here is what I sent back to the good Barrister

Attn: gbenga tilo,

Dear sir,

My name is Brian Griffin Sexton, I have not gone by "Jaeret" since my school days, and even then, it was just a nickname. Please keep all business matters relating to this case updated with my legal name, for it is against the law to use a nick name in all financial matters. I think I used this name when I sent the first e-mail. My name on all business matters is legally Brian Griffin Sexton, or just Brian Sexton, thanks. I hope this does not come up again, because I want to keep everything legal, please let me know,
God Bless your eyes, Brian Griffin Sexton
I figure that should shut him up, I almost completely forgot I used my actual name when opening that yahoo account many many many years ago... oh well, like it matters.

The next e-mail I got was sent from Barr. Thomas Cole, the original scammer,

It reads

Dear Brian Griffin Sexton,

I recieved your mail and i am not happy because i told you that this transaction should be kept strictly confidential between both of us alone, so i want you to stop all negotiation with the attorney in your country and please do not disclose this transaction to him or any body for security reasons. And you becoming to betray the confidence i have from you.

Brian, i will only send the certificates to you in only one condition, which is this that you stop all negotiation with the attorney in your country, why i send you the name of some of the best probate attorney here in my country is that they are going to stand on your behalf there in my country. I have the 2 certificates in my possesion the deposit and death certificates of my late client, which is the only legal proof to the bank so i cannot release them to you, if you will contuning contact the attorney in your country or anybody about this transaction.

Listen Brian, i ask you to tell the probate attorney that my late client is your uncle, you and i know that you are not related to my late client. This is a lifetime opportunity for both of us to enrich ourselves and various family. By saying your merely family is the same as saying he is your uncle, any which way is ok by me.

This is the next step immediately you get any correspondent mail from the probate attorney forward it to me for instructions and advice and always check your mail as often because you have contacted the probate attorney and he might need some information from you.

I want you to send to your private telephone number or please go to phone booth and buy a international calling card and give me a call on my mobile number + 234 80 23770379 as soon as you read this mail.

Thankk for your understanding,


Thomas Cole.
Oh noes! he's mad at me! /weep

I am writing my response to him right now, and I will update this when it is finished.
If anyone has any advice on what they want said to this ass-clown, let me know! But just so you know, my main goal is to get this bastard to hold up a sign that says TFPROJECT.ORG IS AWESOME


I sent Mr. Cole an e-mail,

Here it goes

Dear Thomas Cole,

I received an e-mail from the barrister you suggested to me, but I am not sure I want to work with him, in his official documents, he used my nick name, one I have not used since primary school. I am not sure of the policies in your country, but in mine, any names used in financial documents must use the legal name. I have told him so, and I hope he understands this, It would not be good to have this complicate our business.

I have also broke communication with my attorney as per your request. He was upset because of this, but I told him that any business I had with you was my own. I think he was more upset because he will not get his cut of the 10.5 million dollars!

The other matter of business I must discuss with you is the matter of the calling card, I have looked around my town, and I am unable to fine an international calling card, I checked with my mobile phone company, and they told me that there are able to change my service so as I am able to make and receive international calls. I told them to do so, but it will be at a great expense to me, and extra $56US a month. This might not seem like much to you, but I am a man of meager means, it is true, I have come into a large sum of money, but it has not cleared yet, and is still tied up in legal proceedings with the charity that is giving me the money.

It will be a little while before my mobile will be able to receive and make international calls, so I hope to talk with you soon! I expect that it won't take more than 2-3 weeks.
May god bless us in this deal, and your eyes respectively,
This should keep him off my back for a little bit about calling him, soon I will start to really screw with him!
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.


Last edited by Crack; 06-20-2006 at 02:53 PM..
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Old 06-20-2006, 03:07 PM   #23 (permalink)
Eat your vegetables
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Oh goodness! what entertainment!
poor guy. he doesn't know what's coming.
"Sometimes I have to remember that things are brought to me for a reason, either for my own lessons or for the benefit of others." Cynthetiq

"violence is no more or less real than non-violence." roachboy
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Old 06-20-2006, 03:26 PM   #24 (permalink)
tecoyah's Avatar
I say every single member of TFP sends him an email on the same day....asking for a slice of the Pie....heh
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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Old 06-20-2006, 03:49 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Haha, sock it to 'em!
Join me or die! Can you do any less?
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Old 06-20-2006, 05:25 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Location: Ohio! yay!

Just got another e-mail from him

Dear Brian Griffin Sexton,

How are you? I recieved your mail and the mail you forwarded to me which the probate attorney sent to you. I am very happy that you have written back to the probate attorney concerning your nick name he use, this is a legal matter and a huge sum of amount and it must be your legal name.Thank you for broken communication with your attorney, do not disclose this transaction to any body until you have confirm the fund in your account.

What I need from you is your sincerity in making sure you help me get this funds from the bank were my late client made the deposit into your account. I have given you my identity which I have scanned my personal Id, which is my International Passport and I sent to you MY CALL TO BAR CERTIFICATE which shows I am a lawyer by profession.

Like I did explained in my last correspondence to you, I have his Deposit Certificate and the death certificate which all the documents will go through all the legal authorities involved in stating your new next of kin status as amended in 1969 act of the federal Republic of Nigeria sub section 31 paragraph 4, which states in the cause of death, any next of kin must provide all the needed backup which are the paperwork which must be presented to the Supreme High Court here in Nigeria by a registered practising probate attorney and the cause of death must be determined by presenting the Death Certificate to the Federal Ministry of Health for validation, if their is any money lodged, then the Deposit Certificate must be presented to the bank or finance institute for authentification and verifications of the said funds and if the certificates are legal, then the deceased family will have a representative for the whole family that will be either present or they will be presented by a legal counsel that will represent the family and sign all documents in regards to getting the approval of the funds in their favour.

I rephrase this from our constitution. My late client lives at Plot 214 Adegun Road, Victoria Island Lagos Nigeria. he has three children which names are: Breeden 20, Natalie 16, Martins 10, his wife name is Shea. He told me he was born in Michigan and he was a catholic,Nobody knows about this in my firm as this is a guilded secret which I cannot disclose to anybody. They only know that he was my client and they have knowledge that he is dead. He was an oil merchant and contractor to my coutnry government.

The probate attorney gets the mail and inform the bank of your claim, then it will be open to the bank that a relative is coming for claim. So this is my advice, you should not relent as I told you the bank directors are corrupt and they have made it their duty to frustrate every move I make to get this money that is why they told their shareholders in the last meeting they held last month that by the end of this year and nobdoy comes for claim, they will give the funds to charitable organizations, but my insider in the bank told me that they have only made this known to their shareholders to avert their attention to this funds so by the end of this present fiscal year they will divert the funds to their personal account and share it amongst themselves. So this is a lifetime opportunity before us. before i will release the certificates the probate attorney is asking from you, i want you to give me the assurance that you will assist me financially in pay for the paperpwork and morally.

You are not paying the probate attorney until the funds are approved and transfered into your account. That is his professional fees. But the only money we are going to spend is the money for procuring the documents(Paperwork) stating your new next of kin status. This documents will be paid by us as immediately the probate attorney gets the death/deposit certificate, he will get to the various authorities to make verifications and authenticate the validity of these certificates and if they are valid, the probate registar will ask for documents to establish your claim and the bank will need prove of your claim which will amount to him procuring paperwork to determine your claim as legal as every country has it's own constitution and I am telling you from my country's own constitution. So we shall pay for these documents as they will enable the probate attorney gets the approval of the claim in your favour. These documents will be kept for future references if maybe somebody comes for claim in the nearest future, they will be shown to them that my client relative has been paid in full and these are the prove of the funds being transfered with all the legal documents provided by their legal counsel. So nobody will have claim to the said funds in the nearest future as these documents will prove you as the NEXT OF KIN LEGALLY APPROVED HERE AND BACKED BY MY COUNTRY CONSTITUTION.

I need your private mobile phone number for easier communications. So I prefer you buy a calling card and go to a public phone and call me. Dial in this form +234 80 23770379 you can through to me.

This mail is meant for you alone.

I will wait to hear from you. Always funish me with every correspondence you get to avoid any mistake.

Barr. Thomas cole.
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

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Old 06-21-2006, 08:16 AM   #27 (permalink)
Winter is Coming
Frosstbyte's Avatar
Location: The North
The fact that this scam ever worked on people is truly astonishing, because it's pure gold. Thanks for keeping us appraised of your "progress" with Barrister Cole.

On a side note, did he really just say he copied his "international passport?" Last time I checked, those don't exist, and if they do, they don't look like a reskinned US passport with a few fields changed. Keep it coming!
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Old 06-21-2006, 09:41 AM   #28 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
These whackjobs are amazing in their perserverence. Check this out, maybe it will give Crack a few ideas: http://www.nigerian419fraud.freeserve.co.uk/tina.htm
Even after the counter-scam is revealed, they persist at least for a time.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
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Old 06-21-2006, 10:14 AM   #29 (permalink)
Rail Baron
stevo's Avatar
Location: Tallyfla

you can get some great ideas here to mess with them. The best is when you convince them you are going to fly in on a certain day and then have them email you all pissed off but then you email them all pissed off telling them you were there for a few days in their shitty country and they didnt' meet you like they promised. See if you can get them to meet you at the airport more than once.
"If I am such a genius why am I drunk, lost in the desert, with a bullet in my ass?" -Otto Mannkusser
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Old 06-21-2006, 10:28 AM   #30 (permalink)
lol... excellent stuff... and yes always wonder what would happend, but never replied to any... now I know... thanks for clearing that up!
Nihilistic Mad Man... Gallic Hedonist... Freak of Nature...
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Old 06-21-2006, 12:44 PM   #31 (permalink)
All Possibility, Made Of Custard
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Location: New York, NY
I'm loving this thread. God bless your eyes.
You have to laugh at yourself...because you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't. - Emily Saliers
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Old 06-27-2006, 08:05 AM   #32 (permalink)
Crack's Avatar
Location: Ohio! yay!
Tons of updates since I last updated, so i'll just jump right into it.

The next e-mail I recieved

Dear Brain Sexton,

How are you? did you get my last email?

I have attached the requested deposit and death certificates of my late client with this mail.

My late client lives at Plot 214 Adegun Road, Victoria Island Lagos Nigeria.

I want you to send the certificates to the probate attorney immediately for him to make his finding and verification from the appropiate quarter in charge of the claim.

I ask you to call me on my mobile number + 234 80 23770379 or give me your private telephone number,so we both can discuss orally.

Await your response and urgent call.

Thomas Cole.
These "doccuments" that were attached were very badly done photoshops, check them out below!


nice huh?

and the next e-mail from the good Barrister gbenga tilo

Attn: Brian Griffin Sexton,


In regards of your mail you sent to this honourable chamber concerning your name, i want to bring to your notice that we are sorry for the error in using your nickname to address you.

From now on all business matters we will use your legal name Brian Griffin Sexton.

We are still waiting for the requested documents we ask from you for us to be able to make our findings and verification from the appropiate quarters in charge of your claim.

Once again sorry for any inconvinceness this might have cause you.

Your in service,

Barrister Gbenga Tilo
I think what he heard here is "OH NOES! WE DON'T WANT TO MAKE HIM MAD!" Bastards.

and then a few mins later, another e-mail

Attn: Brian Griffin Sexton,


I want to bring to your notice that this honourable chamber is waiting for the requested documents we ask from you.

Update and comply with us.

Yours in service,

Barrister Gbenga Tilo.
I think they are getting a little impatient with me... so I made them wait another few days before I sent a response with the 2 doccuments that bsatards sent me in the previous e-mail.

and now... the money shot!

Attn: Brian Sexton.


We are in receipt of your mail and the certificates.However, we are pleased to inform you that we have made our verification with the probate registry to acertain if your late uncle (Engr. Richard Burson Sexton.) has a Will that is kept with the probate registry.

We are sorry to inform you that we are unable to extablish that he has a Will and are such, it is evidently clear that he left NO WILL. putting this into consideration,the fact now before us is that your uncle died in-testate without a WILL.

However, from my preliminary investigation, you have a genuine claim as my law firm has been able to establish your inheritance claim with the Equity Development Bank. Be it as it may, It will please you to know, that I have concluded my verification as regards your claim to an inheritance of $10,500,000,00. My investigation revealed, that there is indeed a deposited sum of the same mentioned amount with Equity Development Bank.

The amount has been deposited since the year 1997 by one Engr. Richard Burson Sexton. (now deceased). It will also please you to know that the amount in question, have yielded a lot of interest on the principal. As at last month, it has generated an interest of close to $1.2m. Thus, the total sum in the account right now is US$11.7m.

When I filed papers to verify the state of the account,the director general audit department in charge told me that they were only waiting for the end of the present fiscal year before they will declare the account as an unclaimed account, and then send the money to government treasury. According to him, The Director General was very pleased to know that the next of kin has now decided to come forward for the claim.

I strongly think that I should say that you are a very lucky person,otherwise, according to the director general, you would have forfeited the money if by the middle of July 2006 if you did not make the claim.

You must act fast.

I will need the sum of us $7,500,00 (Seven thousand five hundred dollars) to file all the necessary papers to ensure that the funds (inheritance claim) gets transferred into your nominated account within the next three to four days. But before then, you will need to forward me with the following-:

(1).Your Nationality---Age----Sex----Religion----occupation...... Phone number and marital status. If married, state name of your spouse.
If you have children, please do state their namesËœage and sex.

The break down of the statutory fees of US$7,500,00 is as follows-:

(1). Application forms from probate registry-----US$700

(2). Processing fee at probate registry------US$2,000

(3). Beneficiary payment form and processing at the consolidated revenue department of Nigeria-------US$1,400

(4). Affidavit as to next of kin to be sworn on your behalf at the lagos state probate high court of Nigeria-------US$1,500

(5). Government stamp duties---------US$700

(6). publication in three widely read national news papers --- US$1,200

Please do note however, that my professional fee of 0.5% of the total sum that would be remitted to my account. This sum should be paid 48 hours after your account has been credited.

We have to give you detailed breakdown considering the time constrain. Please make payment into the account section of my law office through western union money transfer to the head of account in two installment of $4,000 and $3,500 respectively.






After payment send MTCN(Control Number) ten digits number.

We await your urgent response.

Yours Faithfully,
Barrister Gbenga Tilo "
I knew it would happen eventually! I sent this to "Thomas Cole" saying "Please Help! I need to know the next course of action" and...

He sends me this


Dear Brian,

Thanks for the prompt reply. What this means that we both will make the payment to the probate attorney for to be able to get the paperwork from the appropriate quarters.

Immediately i read the mail the probate attorney sent to you. The probate attorney has made his findings. The probate attorney is now in charge of the approval of the funds, which he must get all the necessary documentation to the various authorities involve.

I am not leaving you alone to pay for the fees, but we shall pay it together. As I give God the glory, immediately I saw the email sent to you by the probate attorney. This is what I have been explaining to you that if my client has that deposit, the probate attorney will confirm it to you. We have to pay the fees as it is mandated as without your new next of kin status not made legally, the bank cannot transfer the money to you. Unless proved beyond doubt that you are the next of kin through the legal process of this country.

Go through this and make your own observations:

I will need the sum of US$7,500,00 (Seven thousand five hundred dollars) to file all the necessary papers to ensure that the funds(inheritance claim) gets transferred into your nominated account within the next three to four days. This is what you should write to the probate attorney immediately you get this mail.

Your full Names:
Nationality: Your country of origin
Your Age:
Sex: Male
State Your Religion:
Marital Status: Married
State your wife name
children name if any:

And he made the breakdown of the fees which must be paid to the appropriate quarters in charge of your Inheritance:

(1). Application forms from probate registry-----US$700

(2). Processing fee atprobate registry----------------US$2,000

(3). Beneficiary payment form and processing at the consolidated revenue department of Nigeria-------US$1,400

(4). Affidavit as to next of kin to be sworn on your behalf at the lagos state probate court of Nigeria-------US$1,500

(5). Government Stamp Duties---------US$700

(6). Publication in three widely read national news papers --- us$1,200

He said you will only pay him his charges immediately you confirm the money in your account under 48 hours.

I want you to see reason with me, as he is not asking for his charges before he starts the job, but we have to pay for the Inheritance claim which is done every where in the world. As I am a legal practitioner it will be right for us to make the payment immediately as I know within the next two banking days after payment the bank will approve the transfer and they will transfer the money.

I was surprise to hear from the mail he sent to you that my late client Engr. Richard Burson Sexton has a closing balance of $11.7 million. You can see he has made his findings and everything is in other, it is now left for us to make the mandated payment or lose this life time opportunity.

So this is what we must do as we have limited time:

As I made some enquiries from another probate lawyer who told me in confidence that we must get all the relevant and processing fees to the appropraite quarters and documentations stating your claim to the bank, and stating your Next of Kin status is made from the appropriate quarters.

That means we have to make the mandatory payment of $7,500 to him immediately within the stipulated time as he has made every entries to the bank .

Please Brian, I am not leaving you alone to pay for the charges, as I have $3,500 in my bank as immediately I saw your email I have to talk to my wife and she promised giving me $500 tomorrow morning my time, So I implore you to see reasons with me, I am making every effort to raise money, but I have only $3,500 now and I am banking on the promise of my wife to give me the $500 tomorrow morning my time which all together will be $4,000. Try your best and raise the remaining balance of $3,500 and send to the probate attorney.

So you should write the attorney immediately you get this email, tell him your representative in the person of Jack Lawal(He is my junior Attorney) will be coming to his office tomorrow morning with $4,000 to make part payment, so please my dear I want you to do all in your capacity and make the remaining balance of $3,500 to him tomorrow. Please I am asking for your sincerity and trust in this transaction as, you should go to the western union money transfer agent office immediately and make the payment of $3,500 as this will enable him start work immediately.

Please go to your bank and withdraw the balance of $3,500.

This is my advice:

Do not send the money through your bank. Go to a western union agent like e.g.: Pharmaceutical shop, supermarket or shopping mall and make the payment in two different payment and two different western union agents in $2,000 and $1,500 and obtain your payment reciept which you will have the money control number (MTCN)in it.

Use the informations he asked you to use in making the payment through his account officer:





Please do not entertain any questions if you get to the western union office, just tell them you want to make some transfer to a friend and that is all, do not entertain any question for security reasons, as you and I know that you re not related to my late client, but we need this money as a turnaround in our lives and our respective families. As I explained to you on phone yesterday that I have mapped out 10% for any expenses that we may incure in the course of executing this transaction.Do everything possible to see that you make the transfer of $3,500 to him now.

Immediately you make payment, call me to notify me and scan the payment reciept and forward it to the probate Attorney Barrister Gbenga Tilo.

You should do this immediately, as I have instructed you to do. Do not entertain any question. Just ask for a transfer slip and make the payment.

Urgent response please.


Barr.Thomas Cole.

Awwwwwe! Isn't that sweet, he is gonna help me pay the money, what a nice scammer!

a "conformation message" from the barrister

Attn: Brian Sexton.


One Barrister Jack Lawal came to my office this morning my time with a deposit of $4,000 saying he is your representative . I gave him a copy of the reciept for the part payment.

I refused taking the money from him, but he appeal to me that unfailingly before the close of work today being the 27th of June,2006 that you will wire the balance of $3,500 through the information I asked you to send the money.

The last possible day will be 4th July 2006, because i have to file your application with the various quarters.

So I am givng you on until the 4th day of July 2006 to make the balance payment of $3,500 or I have nothing to do concerning your Inheritance Claim and your intial payment of $4,000 is Non-Refundable as I stated that to your representative Barrister Jack Lawal.

I want you to send the requested informations as I will used them to file your applications to the various department concerns in your Claim.

You might not understand why I need your personal informations, but the Probate Registrar will ask for them, which I will also used them to get the approval of the Federal High Court in charge of Death/Domestic Matters, The Supreme Court in Abuja.

Your co-operation will be highly appreciated in this matter.

Yours in service.

Barrister Gbenga Tilo.
and finally, the last e-mail that I got yesterday

Dear Brian Griffin Sexton,

How are you? Did you received my last mail.

I sent Jack Lawal this morning my time to make the deposit as part payment to the probate attorney,letting him know that you will send the balance payment of $3,500.

Brian we both need to put all our best to make sure we pay this fees because the probate attorney has made his findings and verification fron the appropiate quarters in charge of the funds and the bank is ready to effect transfer to your nominated account as soon as we make the payment for the paperworks stating you as the real next of kin to my late client, which is dont everywhere in the world.

I impose you in good faith to act fast to make the balance payment to the probate attorney with the informations been given to you by him because this is a life time opportunity for both of us to enrich oursevles and various families.

Immedaitely you make the payment scan and attach the transfer slip to me and the information you use him making the payment.

Waiting for your positive response.


Thomas Cole.
I have yet to write him back, I am gonna make him sweat a bit, i'll up-date when I do.

Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

Crack is offline  
Old 06-27-2006, 08:25 AM   #33 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
heh, he suffered from Plane Crash
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 06-27-2006, 03:05 PM   #34 (permalink)
Location: Right here, right now.
It will be interesting to see if the "last possible day" gets extended suddenly if you wait beyond 4th July, and for what reason.
Maybe you should put some shorts on or something, if you wanna keep fighting evil today.
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Old 06-30-2006, 08:55 AM   #35 (permalink)
Crack's Avatar
Location: Ohio! yay!
New Update
From me
This week has been hell! I have been running around everywhich-way trying to put together the $3,500 we need, but I have been unable. I am truly sorry. If only I had more time!
I am to be receiving a large donation from a charity organisation (the Tympanic Federal Protectorate, or TFP) , but they are really dragging their feet. I would have the money no problem if it wasn't for them and their ways!
I shall pray tonight that an angel comes down and frees me from this turmoil and grief. Is there still time if I were to get the money by Saturday or Monday morning?
May god Bless this endeavour and your eyes, respectively!
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

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Old 06-30-2006, 09:04 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Location: Right Here
May god Bless this endeavour and your eyes, respectively!
This cracks me up. Good job with this guy so far. I look forward to the rest of the story
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Old 06-30-2006, 11:48 AM   #37 (permalink)
Crack's Avatar
Location: Ohio! yay!
another e-mail from the "Barrister"
Attn: Brian Sexton.


I want to bring to your botice that i sent you some of your documents which i use yout part payment of $4,000 to get from some of the quarters in charge of your claim.

I want to know if you receieved them and we are waiting for your balance payment of $3,500, so we will be able to get the remaining documents and submit them to the bank to effect transfer of your claim to your provided account.

I have book an appointment with bank boeards of directors on your behalf for next week. So i want you to comply and get back to me.

Yours in service,

Barrister Gbenga Tilo
and lo and behold, not 3 mins later

Dear Brian,

How are you? I received your mail and i am very happy about it.

This what i want you to do you write to the probate attorney telling the situation that you will be able to come up with the balance by saturday or monday and please tell me how you have with you right now, why i ask that is because you need to be paying the probate attorney bit by bit for him to know that you are serious and ready to get your claim, if you fold your hands and keep quite it will feel has if you are not serious.

So beg you in the name of God go ahead and make any money that you have with you know to the probate attorney for him to know that you serious, i will try in best and run around to look for some money too. So go ahead and make the payment through the information he gave you.

Hoping to head a positive response from you.


Thomas Cole.
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

Crack is offline  
Old 07-01-2006, 11:48 PM   #38 (permalink)
Location: CT/USA
I love the poorly done documents, I never got those when my friend and I did this, we had them mail everything to an address which turned out to be the FBI office on Internet Fraud. Never heard back from them about a week after that.
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Old 07-02-2006, 06:21 AM   #39 (permalink)
It's a girly girl!
basmoq's Avatar
Location: OH, USA
Wow man, this is incredible. I can't believe people fall for this money for free shit! Kudo's to you for having the balls and free time to fuck with them a bit!
"There's someone out there for everyone - even if you need
a pickaxe, a compass, and night goggles to find them."
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Old 07-02-2006, 01:42 PM   #40 (permalink)
Young Crumudgeon
Martian's Avatar
Location: Canada
Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
heh, he suffered from Plane Crash
It's a terrible affliction.
I wake up in the morning more tired than before I slept
I get through cryin' and I'm sadder than before I wept
I get through thinkin' now, and the thoughts have left my head
I get through speakin' and I can't remember, not a word that I said

- Ben Harper, Show Me A Little Shame
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