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Old 06-14-2003, 08:38 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Cynical about lub

Originally found here

Cynical about Love
sent by danielle

I hate Valentine's Day. Whoever declared a holiday for romance must either be a sentimental old fool or a geek desperate to have an excuse to date someone. I mean it's like the moment the calendar reads February one, Valentine's Day fever starts to contaminate all places and persons everywhere. Everyone starts wearing red outfits, shops are plastered with heart decorations, the public display of affection of lovers get worse, 'unattached' people get depressed and so on. It's really sickening.

What's the sense in celebrating a day like that? Everyone just gets so' mushy. Guys suddenly starve themselves just to save their lunch money to buy that gigantic teddy bear and a dozen roses for that pretty girl they've been dreaming about (but had no guts to talk to). Girls just stares into space as they daydream incessantly and wishes fervently that 'drop dead gorgeous hunk' would give them roses on the special day (or at least pay attention to them). Pet names get more creative from ordinary sweetheart and honey to munchkin, honeybunch, love-of-my-life etc. It's really quite stupid.

On the actual day, you all know what happens. Classes gets disrupted as the special delivery of flowers are distributed. It's an endless ceremony of exchanging love letters, gifts, I-love-yous and even love songs. Once, a classmate of mine (who I thought was shy and smart) suddenly rendered a medley of love song with a dance choreography in front of the whole class just to impress a girl. It was hilarious. If I were the girl I would never speak again to a guy who humiliated himself like that. Ironically though, they actually became a couple after that. It's really weird.

Was I always this cynical about Valentine's Day? No. I confess, when I was younger I was very idealistic about romance. It's hard to admit but I was one of those girls who imagines she's a beautiful princess waiting to be swept off her feet by a dashing and brave prince. I was always writing poems about my own crushes. I was often watching movies like 'Sleepless in Seattle' and 'Notting Hill'. I was fantasizing about my future wedding. I was tirelessly wondering just how magical being in love is. I was always looking forward to Valentine's Day. Secretly, hoping to receive a single rose or even a short love note. But all those dreams were in vain because all these years I never got any. Sure there were some from close friends, but it's not the same. I never found my gallant prince.

Don't get me wrong. That's not why I hate the day of the hearts. I just do. When I got older I realized that romance is not for me. Why should I bother with it? So I started to hate it. It's pointless anyway. Only attractive and lucky people fall in love and receive Valentine's day gifts-not plain old me.

Anyway, that's my opinion. I've got to go get stuff from my locker. Hey, what's this? A bouquet of roses and a note:

"'I've always thought you're a special girl. Sorry it took me so long to tell you. Hope you like the roses. Hope you like me too. Love, Secret Admirer"

What the...?! Oh well, it's sickening, stupid and weird but I guess when there's love there's hope after all.
Right on sister! I gotta write something like this real soon, I'll probably post it in the literature section... or here I have really cynical feelings towards "lub", (the actual word has become a chore for me to say, as I honestly don't believe in it anymore, at least as far as male-female relationships go...)

And if you must nitpick; no, I did not receive permission to post this here. Granted I did not see a disclaimer anywhere on the site saying not to post it anywhere else, but if you have qualms with this, just tell a moderator and ask them to remove it, or just PM me and I'll take it away in the best way I know how.
The most important thing in this world is love.
Stiltzkin is offline  

cynical, lub

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