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Old 06-19-2004, 05:21 PM   #1 (permalink)
cchris's Avatar
Location: Sydney
The "Aussie"guide.

Whether it's the opening of Parliament, or the launch of a new art gallery, there is no Australian event that cannot be improved by a sausage sizzle.

If the guy next to you is swearing like a wharfie he's probably a media billionaire. Or on the other hand, he may be a wharfie.

There is no food that cannot be improved by the application of tomato sauce.

Industrial design knows of no article more useful than the plastic milk crate.

The alpha male in any group is he who takes the barbecue tongs from the hands of the host and blithely begins turning the snags.

It's not summer until the steering wheel is too hot to hold.

A thong is not a piece of scanty swimwear, as in America, but a fine example of Australian footwear. A group of sheilas wearing black rubber thongs may not be as exciting as you had hoped.

It is proper to refer to your best friend as "a total bastard". By contrast, your worst enemy is "a bit of a bastard".

Historians believe the widespread use of the word "mate" can be traced to the harsh conditions on the Australian frontier in the 1890s, and the development of a code of mutual aid, or "mateship". Alternatively, Australians may just be really hopeless with names.

If it can't be fixed with pantyhose and fencing wire, it's not worth fixing.

It's considered better to be down on your luck than up yourself.

The phrase "we've got a great lifestyle" means everyone in the family drinks too much.

If there is any sort of free event or party within a hundred kilometres, you'd be a mug not to go.

The phrase "a simple picnic" is not known. You should take everything you own. If you don't need to make three trips back to the car, you're not trying.

On picnics, the Esky is always too small, creating a food versus grog battle that can only ever be resolved by leaving the salad at home.

When on a country holiday, the neon sign advertising the motel's pool will always be slightly larger than the pool itself.

The men are tough, but the women are tougher.

The chief test of manhood is one's ability to install a beach umbrella in high winds.

There comes a time in every Australian's life when he/she realises that the Aeroguard is worse than the flies.

And, finally, don't let the tourist books fool you. No-one EVER says "cobber" to anyone ... EVER! It also doesn't have the bit about the true test for immigration to Australia. They give potential new Aussies the following test: Mowing a sloping lawn (at least 20 degree angle) in a pair of thongs holding a VB while watching the cricket. If you can't pass that chances are you will never be able to pass yourself off as a true Aussie.
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Old 06-19-2004, 06:09 PM   #2 (permalink)
Ella Bo Bella
Ella's Avatar
Location: Australia
You're not Australian 'til...

Yep...that esky one is way too true. Here's some more...

You're not Australian 'til...

1) You've mimicked Alf Stewart from the TV show Home and Away's broad, Australian accent, eg. "Push off, ya flamin' drongo!"

2) You've had an argument with your mate over whether Ford or Holden makes the better car.

3) You've done the "hot sand" dance at the beach while running from the ocean back to your towel.

4) You know who Ray Martin is.

5) You start using words like "reckon" and "root" and call people "mate".

6) You stop greeting people with "hello" and go straight to the "how ya doin'?"

7) You've seriously considered running down the shop in a pair of Ugg Boots.

8) You own a pair of ugg boots.

9) You've been to a day-nighter cricket match and screamed out incomprehensibly until your throat went raw.

10) You kind of know the first verse to the national anthem, but don't know what "girt" means.

11) You have a story that somehow revolves around excess consumption of alcohol and a mate named "Dave".

12) You've risked attending an outdoor music festival on the hottest day of the year.

13) You've tried to hang off a clothesline while pretending you can fly.

14) You've had a visit to the emergency room after hanging off the clothesline pretending you can fly.

15) You own a pair of thongs for everyday use, and another pair of "dress thongs" for special occasions.

16) You don't know what's in a meat pie, and you don't care. (well as long as it tastes good ...)

17) You pronounce Australia as "Straya".

18) You call soccer soccer, not football.

19) You've squeezed Vegemite through Jatz to make little Vegemite worms.

20) You suck your coffee through a Tim Tam.
(now if you do these properly, they can almost be better than sex)

21) You realise that lifeguards are the only people who can get away with wearing Speedos.

22) You pledge allegiance to Vegemite over Promite.

23) You understand the value of public holidays.

24) Your weekends are spent barracking for your favourite sports team.

25) You have a toilet dolly.

26) Your Mum made it.

27) You've played beach cricket with a tennis ball and a bat fashioned out of a fence post.

28) You firmly believe that in the end, everything will be ok, and have told a mate in tough times that "She'll be right, mate"

29) You use the phrase, "no worries" at least once a day.

30) You've been on a beach holiday and have probably stayed in a caravan.

31) You constantly shorten words to "brekkie", "arvo" and "barbie".

32) You've adopted a local bar as your own, usually the one you stumble out of after Fridee arvo drinks.

33) You know the oath of mateship can never be limited by geographical distance.
"Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure."
Ella is offline  
Old 06-19-2004, 07:35 PM   #3 (permalink)
In Your Dreams
Latch's Avatar
Location: City of Lights
Taken from h2g2


Australia is a very confusing place, taking up a large amount of the bottom half of the planet. It is recognisable from orbit because of many unusual features, including what at first looks like an enormous bite taken out of its southern edge; a wall of sheer cliffs which plunge deep into the surrounding sea. Geologists assure us that this is simply an accident of geomorphology and plate tectonics, but they still call it the 'Great Australian Bight' proving that not only are they covering up a more frightening theory, but they can't spell either.

The first of the confusing things about Australia is the status of the place. Where other land masses and sovereign lands are classified as either continent, island, or country, Australia is considered all three. Typically, it is unique in this.


The second confusing thing about Australia are the animals. They can be divided into three categories: poisonous, odd, and sheep. It is true that of the ten most poisonous arachnids on the planet, Australia has nine of them. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that of the nine most poisonous arachnids, Australia has all of them. However, there are curiously few snakes, possibly because the spiders have killed them all. But even the spiders won't go near the sea (see below). Any visitors should be careful to check inside boots (before putting them on) under toilet seats (before sitting down) and generally everywhere else. A stick is very useful for this task.

Strangely, it tends to be the second class of animals (the odd) that are more dangerous. The creature that injures the most people each year is the common wombat. It is nearly as ridiculous as its name, and spends its life digging holes in the ground, in which it hides. During the night it comes out to eat worms and grubs.

The wombat injures people in two ways: first, the animal is indestructible. Digging holes in the hard Australian clay builds muscles that outclass Olympic weightlifters. At night, they often wander the roads. Semi-trailers (road trains) have hit them at high speed, with all nine wheels on one side, and this merely makes them very annoyed. They express this by snorting, glaring, and walking away. Alas, to smaller cars, the wombat becomes an asymmetrical high-speed launching pad, with results that can be imagined, but not adequately described.

The second way the wombat injures people relates to its burrowing behaviour. If a person happens to put their hand down a wombat hole, the wombat will feel the disturbance and think 'Ho! My hole is collapsing!' at which it will brace its muscled legs and push up against the roof of its burrow with incredible force, to prevent its collapse. Any unfortunate hand will be crushed, and attempts to withdraw will cause the wombat to simply bear down harder. The unfortunate will then bleed to death through their crushed hand as the wombat prevents him from seeking assistance. This is considered the third most embarrassing known way to die, and Australians don't talk about it much.

At this point, we would like to mention the platypus, estranged relative of the mammal, which has a duck-bill, otter's tail, webbed feet, lays eggs, detects its aquatic prey in the same way as the electric eel, and has venemous barbs attached to its hind legs, thus combining all 'typical' Australian attributes into a single improbable creature.


The last confusing thing about Australia is the inhabitants. First, a short history: some time around 40,000 years ago, some people arrived in boats from the north. They ate all the available food, and a lot of them died. The ones that survived learned respect for the balance of nature, man's proper place in the scheme of things, and spiders. They settled in, and spent a lot of the intervening time making up strange stories.

Then, around 200 years ago, Europeans arrived in boats from the north. More accurately, European convicts were sent over, with a few deranged and stupid people in charge. They tried to plant their crops in Autumn (failing to take account of the reversal of the seasons when moving from the top half of the planet to the bottom), ate all their food, and a lot of them died. About then the sheep arrived, and have been treasured ever since.

It is interesting to note here that the Europeans always consider themselves vastly superior to any other race they encounter, since they can lie, cheat, steal, and litigate (marks of a civilized culture, they say) - whereas all the Aboriginals can do is happily survive being left in the middle of a vast red-hot desert, equipped with a stick.

Eventually, the new lot of people stopped being Europeans on an extended holiday and became Australians. The changes are subtle, but deep, caused by the mind-stretching expanses of nothingness and eerie quiet, where a person can sit perfectly still and look deep inside themselves to the core of their essence, their reasons for being, and the necessity of checking inside your boots every morning for fatal surprises. They also picked up the most finely-tuned sense of irony in the world, and the Aboriginal gift for making up stories. Be warned.

And then...

There is also the matter of the beaches.

Australian beaches are simply the nicest and best in the entire world. Although anyone actually venturing into the sea will have to contend with sharks, stinging jellyfish, stonefish (a fish which sits on the bottom of the sea, pretends to be a rock, and has venomous barbs sticking out of its back that will kill you just from the pain) and surfboarders. However, watching a beach sunset is worth the risk of all of these.


As a result of all this hardship, dirt, thirst, and wombats, you would expect Australians to be a dour lot. Instead, they are genial, jolly, cheerful, and always willing to share a kind word with a stranger, unless they are an American. Faced with insurmountable odds and impossible problems, they smile disarmingly, and reach for a stick. Major engineering feats have been performed with sheets of corrugated iron, string, and mud.

Alone of all the races on earth, they seem to be free from the 'Grass is greener on the other side of the fence' syndrome, and roundly proclaim that Australia is, in fact, the other side of that fence. They call the land 'Oz', 'Godzone' (a verbal contraction of 'God's Own Country') and 'Best bloody place on earth, bar none, strewth'. The irritating thing about this is they may be right.

There are some traps for the unsuspecting traveller, though. Do not under any circumstances suggest that the beer is imperfect, unless you are comparing it to another kind of Australian beer. Do not wear a Hawaiian shirt. Religion and politics are safe topics of conversation (Australians don't care too much about either) but sport is a minefield. The only correct answer to 'So, howdya' like our country, eh?' is 'Best [insert your own regional swear word here] country in the world!'.

It is very likely that, on arriving, some cheerful Australians will 'adopt' you, and on your first night will take you to a pub where Australian beer is served. Despite the obvious danger, do not refuse. It is a form of initiation rite. You will wake up late the next day with an astonishing hangover, a foul taste in your mouth, and wearing strange clothes. Your hosts will usually make sure you get home, and wave off any legal difficulties with 'It's his first time in Australia, so we took him to the pub', to which the policeman will sagely nod and close his notebook. Be sure to tell the story of these events to every other Australian you encounter, adding new embellishments at every stage, and noting how strong the beer was. Thus you will be accepted into this unique culture.

Most Australians are now urban dewllers, having discovered the primary use of electricity, which is air-conditioning and refrigerators.

Typical Australian Sayings

* G'Day!
* It's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
* She'll be right.
* And down from Kosiosco, where the pine clad ridges raise their torn and rugged battlements on high, where the air is clear is crystal, and the white stars fairly blaze at midnight in the cold and frosty sky. And where, around the overflow, the reed beds sweep and sway to the breezes, and the rolling plains are wide. The Man from Snowy River is a household word today, and the stockmen tell the story of his ride.

Tips to Surviving Australia

* Don't ever put your hand down a hole for any reason whatsoever.
* We mean it.
* The beer is stronger than you think, regardless of how strong you think it is.
* Always carry a stick.
* Air-conditioning.
* Do not attempt to use any Australian slang, unless you are a trained linguist and good in a fistfight.
* Thick socks.
* Take good maps. Stopping to ask directions only works when there are people nearby.
* If you leave the urban areas, carry several litres of water with you at all times, or you will die.
* Even in the most embellished stories told by Australians, there is always a core of truth that it is unwise to ignore.
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Old 06-19-2004, 08:31 PM   #4 (permalink)
Loose Cunt
Meridae'n's Avatar
Location: North Bondi RSL
Great posts you three... good read
What's easier to believe: that a guy was born without sex in the manner of several Greek demigods and grew up to be able to transmute liquids and alter his body density yet couldn't escape government execution, or that three freemasons in a vehicle made with aluminum foil in an era before digital technology escaped our atmosphere, landing on the moon, broadcasted from there, and then flew back without burning up?
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Old 06-19-2004, 10:30 PM   #5 (permalink)
Fluxing wildly...
MrFlux's Avatar
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Looks like I'm not an Aussie then... thank god.
flux (n.)
Medicine. The discharge of large quantities of fluid material from the body, especially the discharge of watery feces from the intestines.
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Old 06-20-2004, 01:34 AM   #6 (permalink)
Loose Cunt
Meridae'n's Avatar
Location: North Bondi RSL
What's easier to believe: that a guy was born without sex in the manner of several Greek demigods and grew up to be able to transmute liquids and alter his body density yet couldn't escape government execution, or that three freemasons in a vehicle made with aluminum foil in an era before digital technology escaped our atmosphere, landing on the moon, broadcasted from there, and then flew back without burning up?
Meridae'n is offline  
Old 06-20-2004, 04:54 AM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Canberra, Australia

WE, the people of a free nation of blokes, sheilas and the occasional
wanker. We come from many lands (although a few too many of us come
New Zealand) and although we live in the best country in the world, we
reserve the right to bitch and moan about it whenever we bloody like.

We are One Nation but we're divided into many States:

First, there's Victoria, named after a queen who didn't believe in
lesbians. Victoria is the realm of Mossimo turtlenecks, cafe latte,
grand-final day and big horse races. Its capital is Melbourne, whose
marketing pitch is that "it's livable". At least that's what they
The rest of us think it is too bloody cold and wet.

Next, there's NSW, the realm of pastel shorts, macchiato with sugar,
books read quickly and millions of dancing queens. Its capital, Sydney,
more queens than any other city in the world and is proud of it. Its
mascots are Bondi lifesavers who pull their Speedos up their cracks to
the left and right sides of their brains separate.

Down south we have Tasmania, a state based on the notion that the
that bonks together stays together. In Tassie, everyone gets an extra
chromosome at conception. Maps of the State bring smiles to the
faces. It holds the world record for a single mass shooting, which the
Yanks can't seem to beat no matter how often they try.

South Australia is the province of half-decent reds, a festival of
foreigners and bizarre axe murders. SA is the state of innovation.
else can you so effectively reuse country bank vaults and barrels as in
Snowtown, just out of Adelaide (also named after a queen). They had the
Grand Prix, but lost it when the views of Adelaide sent the Formula One
drivers to sleep at the wheel.

Western Australia is too far from anywhere to be relevant. It's main
to fame is that it doesn't have daylight saving because if it did all
men would get erections on the bus on the way to work. WA was the last
state to stop importing convicts and many of them still work there in
government and business.

The Northern Territory is the red heart of our land. Outback plains,
stations the size of Europe, Kangaroos, Jackaroos, Emus, Uluru and
kids with big smiles. It also has the highest beer consumption of
on the planet and its creek beds have the highest aluminium content of
anywhere too. Although the Territory is the centre piece of our
culture, few of us live there and the rest prefer to fly over it on our
to Bali.

And there's Queensland............While any mention of God seems silly
document defining a nation of half-arsed sceptics, it is worth noting
God probably made Queensland - it's beautiful one day and perfect the
Why he filled it with dickheads remains a mystery.

Oh yes, and there's Canberra. The least said the better.

We, the citizens of Oz, are united by Highways, whose treacherous
and turns kill more of us each year than murderers. We are united in
lust for international recognition. Not that we're whingeing; we leave
to our Pommie immigrants.

We want to make "no worries mate" our national phrase, "she'll be right
mate" our national attitude and "Waltzing Matilda" our national anthem.
what if it's about a sheep-stealing crim who commits suicide??)

We love sport so much our news readers can read the death toll from a
sailing race and still tell us who's winning. And we're the best in the
world at all the sports that count, like cricket, netball, rugby, AFL,
roo-shooting, two-up and horse racing. We also have the biggest rock,
tastiest pies, the blackest aborigines and the worst-dressed Olympians
the known universe.

We shoot, we root, we vote. We are girt by sea and pissed by lunchtime.
Even though we might seem a racist, closed-minded, sports-obsessed
people, at least we feel better for it.

I am, you are, we are Australian.
Random Kordie is offline  
Old 06-20-2004, 06:28 AM   #8 (permalink)
TIO's Avatar
Location: The Land Down Under
Gold, all of it!

And all true...I've got 30/33 of the Australian qualities covered, and it'd be 31 if I ever bothered to 'seriously consider' before running down to the shops in my ugg boots
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Old 06-21-2004, 03:13 AM   #9 (permalink)
Ella Bo Bella
Ella's Avatar
Location: Australia
Choice posts, Latch and Random Kordie.

Dunno about that perfect crap up here in QLD right now. She's a blowin' westerlies that rip right through you!
"Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure."
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Old 06-21-2004, 04:59 AM   #10 (permalink)
cchris's Avatar
Location: Sydney
Random Kordie

That was superb.
There's a fine line between participation and mockery
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Old 06-23-2004, 11:06 AM   #11 (permalink)
almostaugust's Avatar
Location: Oz
Awesome posts.
'And it's been a long December and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year will be better than the last
I can't remember all the times I tried to tell my myself
To hold on to these moments as they pass'
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Old 06-23-2004, 06:47 PM   #12 (permalink)
Loose Cunt
Meridae'n's Avatar
Location: North Bondi RSL
All it needed was a topless pic of Ella from the '93 and I would've given this thread a 10.
What's easier to believe: that a guy was born without sex in the manner of several Greek demigods and grew up to be able to transmute liquids and alter his body density yet couldn't escape government execution, or that three freemasons in a vehicle made with aluminum foil in an era before digital technology escaped our atmosphere, landing on the moon, broadcasted from there, and then flew back without burning up?
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Old 06-24-2004, 02:49 AM   #13 (permalink)
Ella Bo Bella
Ella's Avatar
Location: Australia
Oh, for gawd's sake, you people never give up!

Besides, I can't post my tits in here, can I??
"Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure."
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Old 06-24-2004, 05:06 AM   #14 (permalink)
cchris's Avatar
Location: Sydney
I certainly wouldn't object.
There's a fine line between participation and mockery
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Old 06-24-2004, 08:41 AM   #15 (permalink)
TIO's Avatar
Location: The Land Down Under
We're bored males faced with an offer of tits. It's in our nature not to give up. Besides, we want the rest of the world to know that Aussies have the best tits

I'd support cchris in his decision not to object.
TIO is offline  
Old 06-27-2004, 12:40 AM   #16 (permalink)
Ella Bo Bella
Ella's Avatar
Location: Australia
Fuck me, you people are insistent.

Alright....here ya go. It's a couple of years old, but it's all me. Thrilling, hey?! I'm sure one of the mods will edit this post if they shouldn't be here.

And this just arrived in my inbox. I laughed.

"Hello, is this the police?

"Yes it is. How can we help you?"

"I'm calling to report about my neighbour, Wazza. He's hiding cocaine inside his firewood!"

"Thank you very much for the call."

The next day, police officers descend on Wazza's house in great numbers.

They search the house and then go out to the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they bust open every piece of firewood but they find no cocaine. They swear at Wazza and leave.

The phone rings at Wazza's house.

"Hey, Wazz. Did the cops come?"


"Did they chop up your firewood?"


"Happy Birthday", maaaaate!!!!
"Afterwards, the universe will explode for your pleasure."
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Old 06-27-2004, 12:48 AM   #17 (permalink)
cchris's Avatar
Location: Sydney
Excellent stuff
There's a fine line between participation and mockery
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Old 06-20-2005, 07:51 PM   #18 (permalink)
Wicked Clown
Ishmal's Avatar
Location: House Of Horrors
Awesome posts!!!

and every word of it true...

also, special thanx to Ella and her topless pic.
"Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular."
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