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Old 04-19-2003, 09:37 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Jupiter 2
The Good Sport

John receives a phone call. "Hello," he answers. The voice on the other end says, "This is Susan. We met at a party about 3 months ago."

John: "Hmm... Susan? About 3 months ago?"

Susan: "Yes, it was at Bill's house. After the party you took me home. On the way we parked and got into the back seat. You told me I was a good sport."

John: "Oh, yeah! Susan! How are you?"

Susan: "I'm pregnant and I'm going to kill myself."

John: "Say, you ARE a good sport."
Lost-in-Space is offline  
Old 04-19-2003, 09:00 PM   #2 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
hehehe... thats good.
MexicanOnABike is offline  

good, sport

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