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Old 05-19-2008, 12:51 PM   #1 (permalink)
echo5delta's Avatar
Location: Swamp Lagoon, North Cackalacky
Traffic Violations - HELP(?)

Hopefully, I'm not doubling up on this topic, because I didn't dig through old threads first.

I currently have some pending traffic violations across three states - Colorado, North Carolina, and Georgia.

I need information on whether and which of these states have reciprocity agreements as far as sharing information on traffic violations/violators.

I've just called each respective Clerk of the County Court in Colorado, and all those matters are simply paying some overdue fines. That'll all be done this week.

North Carolina, the only thing hanging out is a speeding ticket I gaffed off completely, but it was in 1996 or 97.

Georgia, I know it's an FTA and probable bench warrant, so that's the only one I might have to retain someone in order to resolve.

There is a time factor working; I'm essentially trying to get my license renewed/reinstated prior to checking into my next unit, which I should do on 30 May. If I've got to go to Colorado for that (which I might not), it's not a problem. I just want a license in my pocket and all my traffice shit cleared up before I meet my new Sergeant Major and he askes me if I have any problems.

Can anyone please help me out with this? I'll be your pal and buy you a beer...

(Edit: Trust me, I've tried on google, FinLaw, etc. but I'm coming up empty and it's kicking my ass. Otherwise, I wouldn't be asking...)
"Peace" is when nobody's shooting. A "Just Peace" is when we get what we want. - Bill Mauldin

Last edited by echo5delta; 05-19-2008 at 12:58 PM..
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Old 05-19-2008, 02:29 PM   #2 (permalink)
The_Jazz's Avatar
Location: Chicago
Well, I know that ALL states share some information on violators. If you get a MV in one state, they'll tell you home state about it. They might even share the details (how fast you were going/posted limit). Some states keep information going back to when you got your license (I've seen violations from the 20's), but others only keep it for a few years.

Given that these are unpaid violations, I don't know how much they'll share with each other to catch you, although I can tell you that you should drive slowly in Georgia, especially on 75 in Cobb County, because they love to catch speeders there.

Sorry, but that's pretty much the extent of my knowledge. I hope it was at least a little helpful.
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Old 05-19-2008, 04:26 PM   #3 (permalink)
Living in a Warmer Insanity
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I the FTA and BW are your biggest problems. Is there an Ombudsman or military association you can turn to for minor legal help? I know when I was in the navy they'd help you seek resolution on such issues. I mean if you hold up a bank you're screwed and on your own. But old traffic stuff etc... they'd point you toward legal counsel at a reduced rate, sometimes pro-bono (yeah, like Cher used to be.)

Just an ideas.
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Old 05-19-2008, 04:58 PM   #4 (permalink)
echo5delta's Avatar
Location: Swamp Lagoon, North Cackalacky
I'm really primarily concerned about researching pacts or agreements the three states have with each other for right now.

It's apparent that NC notified Georgia (issuing state of my license at the time) of the speeding ticket being unpaid, and Georgia suspended my license. The FTA came after that, which I'm pretty sure turned into a warrant.

As far as it goes, I can throw some money at this - paying the CO fines, and hiring a law-ttorney in GA to help me sort that shit out. If I lose driving privileges there for a year or two, I don't care. NC is an easy fix; I don't even know if they keep records of simple speeding citations that long.

My main focus in all this is to keep it off the radar as far as the military is concerned. If my chain of command were to hear of all this BEFORE I'd fixed everything on my own, it would fuck up my career something fierce - no more promotions at the very least; punitive discharge at the worst.
"Peace" is when nobody's shooting. A "Just Peace" is when we get what we want. - Bill Mauldin
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