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Old 01-12-2004, 12:18 PM   #1 (permalink)
I'm not about getting creamed, I'm about winning!
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Location: K-Town, TN
Endurox R4

I've recently purchased "Endurox R4" from GNC with hopes of it increasing my endurance and improving my body's tone. I'm a Senior in high school who plays basketball and tennis (football too, but my seasons are over now) while wieght-lifting fairly regularly. Also, I'm about 6'1 and 170 pounds, give or take 5 pounds. I asked the man there most of the questions I had and was met with confident answers, but I have afew more questions I forgot:

1) Has anyone tried it enough to be able to say if it works well or not, or if it would work well in my situation? The guy tells me it's perfect for my situation, but he's selling it to me, so maybe I just fell for the bait.

2) Are there any side-effects?

3) Is it better to take it on an empty stomach, a full stomach, with food, or what?

I'll probably have more questions as I think of them. Thanks if any help can be given.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit."
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Old 01-12-2004, 12:23 PM   #2 (permalink)
I've never heard of it.

Have you looked at their website? They've got an FAQ.
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Old 01-12-2004, 12:48 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
To put it bluntly, you just bought a drum of gatorade with a little bit of protein added for lot of money. Take it immediately following your workout and when it runs out never buy it again. Instead, spend less money on whey protein and get your carbs from something cheaper and more filling (like oatmeal). There are no side effects to what you are taking and my advice is to stay away from GNC. They are overpriced and sketchy sales people who don't know their shit.

By the way, taking this product is for gaining mass not toning. Read the label and you will notice how many calories, carbs, and sugars it has.

After you are supplementing whey and want to add even more endurance, I reccomend looking into a creatine product, ex. Micronized Creatine from a reputable company or SwoleV.2 if you are a creatine non-responder (its a creatine coctail).

one of the many reputable micronized creatines info: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/as...ocreatine.html

SwoleV.2 info: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/syn/swolev2.html

Last edited by Plan9Senior; 01-12-2004 at 01:03 PM..
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Old 01-12-2004, 05:34 PM   #4 (permalink)
I'm not about getting creamed, I'm about winning!
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Location: K-Town, TN
I saw all that on the label, but it also said "Dietary Supplement" on it too, so I wasn't sure. I asked the man there, and he told me it would help with my tone alongside my endurance while keeping my weight about the same. Now that you mention the whey and oatmeal, should I mix that with Endurox, or wait until I'm done with it?

About the creatine thing...I was interested in that until many of my friends started taking it and began to have ridiculous amounts of cramps. I've always understood that creatine causes cramps if you're involved in a lot of running, such as basketball or tennis. When I'm out of school, I plan to try it, but until then.......

If it's like Gatorade, I haven't noticed yet, 'cuz it tastes like crap! He he he.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit."
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Old 01-12-2004, 05:55 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by H12
I saw all that on the label, but it also said "Dietary Supplement" on it too, so I wasn't sure. I asked the man there, and he told me it would help with my tone alongside my endurance while keeping my weight about the same. Now that you mention the whey and oatmeal, should I mix that with Endurox, or wait until I'm done with it?

About the creatine thing...I was interested in that until many of my friends started taking it and began to have ridiculous amounts of cramps. I've always understood that creatine causes cramps if you're involved in a lot of running, such as basketball or tennis. When I'm out of school, I plan to try it, but until then.......

If it's like Gatorade, I haven't noticed yet, 'cuz it tastes like crap! He he he.
You can take the whey along with that supplement if you wanted, but no need to take it at the same time since the Endurox has protein in it. Just use this product as directed and then afterwards try what I suggested and see if that works better for you. Everybody is different and we all respond a little differently with supplements. As far as cramping using creatine, well they didn't follow the directions. When taking creatine you need to drink a lot of water otherwise your muscles will cramp up on ya.
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Old 01-12-2004, 10:28 PM   #6 (permalink)
I'm not about getting creamed, I'm about winning!
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Location: K-Town, TN
Originally posted by Plan9
As far as cramping using creatine, well they didn't follow the directions. When taking creatine you need to drink a lot of water otherwise your muscles will cramp up on ya.
Ah, ok then. So, if I were to buy some creatine, I have three questions, and #1 I bet you just told me but I wanna make sure:

1) Assuming I drink the proper amount of water, I will NOT cramp up?
2) For my situation (b-ball player, weight-lifter, 6'1 and about 170 pounds), about how much water would I need to have to ensure I don't cramp?
3) Do I need to take it daily, right after work-outs, with food, or what?

I'm sure you've noticed, but I'm new to supplements; my friend's experiences and the store owner's recommendations are my only guide, although I have some knowledge of carbs and proteins...apparantly not enough since I bought Endurox though, heh.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit."
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Old 01-12-2004, 11:48 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by H12

1) Assuming I drink the proper amount of water, I will NOT cramp up?

2) For my situation (b-ball player, weight-lifter, 6'1 and about 170 pounds), about how much water would I need to have to ensure I don't cramp?
You should be drinking a ton of water anyway because it is good for you . Aside from that, when taking creatine make sure you are drinking at least a gallon a day. And AVOID caffeine as much as possible. Studies are finding that it reduces the effect of the creatine.

3) Do I need to take it daily, right after work-outs, with food, or what?
It will have direction on the bottle. You will take it in cycles. One month on, 1-2 weeks off is the common cycle. When starting it, you go through a loading phase in which you saturate your muscles with it taking around 5 servings a day. After the loading phase, you will take usually 1 serving 30 mins before working out and then 1 serving immediately after. Make sure you get micronized because it is better than monohydrate in that you wont get the upset stomach, it is faster absorbed into the body, and is more efficient as well.

I'm sure you've noticed, but I'm new to supplements; my friend's experiences and the store owner's recommendations are my only guide, although I have some knowledge of carbs and proteins...apparantly not enough since I bought Endurox though, heh.
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