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Old 02-03-2004, 01:46 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: looking in a mirror
Tattooing for a Living

This weekend I spent a good bit of time talking to a few tattoo artists (one I've known much longer than he's been tattooing), and I've started thinking about trying for an apprenticeship. I wanted to tattoo a few years back, but I was too young to even get any ink myself, so I put those plans on the back burner. Now that I'm older and a better artist (still need work, though) I'm starting to give serious consideration to the idea of tattooing professionally.

While I was talking to the two artists, however, I got a couple of offers:

A. the artist I've known forever, who's good, but only recently started tattooing full-time, offered me a definite apprenticeship for $5000

B. The other artist, who I haven't known for very long (obviously I'd have to get to know him better) is one of the best in the state. Although he didn't offer anything definite, he (as well as the artist that worked for him) alluded to the possibility of an apprenticeship for $3000.

Like I said, he didn't outright offer it to me. What happened, is that I asked exactly what solution they used to wipe down my arm to which they replied "Three thousand bucks and you'll find out!" That same answer was used SEVERAL times whenever I'd ask a question about the process of tattooing.

This weekend I started realizing that I could theoretically do my apprenticeship starting next year, and be finished roughly the same time I'd graduate art school (therefore securing me a job after graduation).

Is anyone here (or has anyone here been) a tattoo artist?

If so:

What did your apprenticeship consist of?

If you don't mind, what did you have to pay (ballpark figure), if it was a paid apprenticeship?

How long till you were able to tattoo customers?

Is the job all you thought it'd be?

I'd appreciate any advice.

I'm going to try and cultivate a closer relationship with the tattooist in example b (aka, get more work from him, start hanging around the shop a little more), and see where that goes.

it's all about self-indulgence
majik_6 is offline  
Old 02-06-2004, 10:14 AM   #2 (permalink)
Location: California
I was a tattooist for almost 10 years...
never paid for my training, I trained under a very well known artist.
I left the business because you live and breath by the tattoo, its hard work.. You need to hussel all the time and there are a lot of shady characters in the biz....
I loved it, but you will work your butt off...
It was fun being a "rock star" but I am raising 2 kids and family came first.
Finish school!!!! I now work in the entertainment industry and make a hell of a lot more money
I sold my shop about 5 years ago...
make your choices wisely and don't train just under anyone...
Everyone I have worked with never charged to teach... I dont believe in it either...
I never charged my apprentice.. they worked for me and learned...
Tinker is offline  
Old 02-06-2004, 01:32 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: looking in a mirror
That's some good advice!

Yeah, I definitely intend to finish school! I'm an art major, and I absolutely love college.

I didn't really think that paying for training was common, but the more time I spend talking to artists, most of them say that anymore, you have to pay for it! One website (either tattoos.about.com or tattooflash.info) stated that the average price for an apprenticeship in the US is 8-10 grand!!

I think the one thing that I'll have the biggest problem with (assuming I do follow through with this, which is looking pretty certain), is that there's a lot of trash talking and badmouthing. Around here a lot of the tattooists (especially the younger ones that are all in the new skool scene), either say that "so-and-so is a scratcher" or if the guy they're talking about is good it's "yeah, well he thinks he's Guy Aitchison. He needs to remember where the hell he came from." And some of it is well-founded, but some of it is just absurd.

As for a family, that's something way on down the line, if ever. I always wanted to get married young, but I've finally realized that the type of job I want isn't the most conducive to raising a family. And, when, (if) I have a family, they'll come first. Therefore, I'm going to do the things I want to do now, while I still can.

Thanks for the advice!
it's all about self-indulgence
majik_6 is offline  
Old 02-10-2004, 05:47 AM   #4 (permalink)
The one that got away
hu-man's Avatar
Location: Over the hill and far away
Just remember than when you're trying new techniques, and just generally messing about and learning to use the needle, you only have one test subject - and that is yourself. Bye bye pretty thighs!
hu-man is offline  
Old 02-11-2004, 11:09 AM   #5 (permalink)
Location: California

It will be worth your while to....

Thats outrageous

You cant believe the trash talking that goes around, and yes a lot of artists are always bagging on others.. You will find a respectable artist if you look long enough, its all about getting in with the right people. I had the pleasure of training under Roni Zulu and have been very close to him for over 12 years now.

It was OK my son was pretty much raised in my shop, and I think he learned how not to judge people, and my clients adored him, but the hours are grueling.. I often found myself working to the wee hours of the morning on a pretty regular basis

anytime!! I wish you the best and if you have anymore questions please email me, maybe I could steeer you in the right direction
Tinker is offline  
Old 02-11-2004, 04:39 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: looking in a mirror
Thanks for your help!

I'm trying to spend more time focusing on my art, working on my weak points, especially the ones that will be essential for tattooing.

Hopefully I'll be going back in soon to get my newest piece finished up, and start getting ideas for the next one.

I've decided that I'm going to see what I can do with the artist that I don't know as well, just because he own a studio, and therefore could probably teach me a lot of things that the other guy couldn't yet.

I'm sure I'll take you up on the e-mail thing, as the questions seem to be popping up constantly! The more I think I've figured out, the more I realize that I know very, very little.
it's all about self-indulgence
majik_6 is offline  

living, tattooing

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