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Old 08-25-2005, 08:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
Proper Etiquette Regarding Multiple Job Applications?

I'm about a month away from my senior year of college starting and I'm beginning to look into the prospect of having a job on campus. I've noticed on the school website a number of potential jobs are available and this has created something I think might be a problem. If I am to apply to a number of positions and get accepted to more than one, I'm faced with having to deny one job in favor of another. Is this normal for people to do? Or should I apply to one and then wait it out and if that doesn't work out, reapply to another?

I worked one job during high school and so far in my college career I concentrated on my schooling, but at this point in life it's becoming necessary to take on a job during the school year, so I come to the TFP with my limited job knowledge in search of some aid Thanks guys.
zensheep is offline  
Old 08-25-2005, 08:34 PM   #2 (permalink)
El Pollo's Avatar
Location: Austin, TX
Originally Posted by zensheep
Or should I apply to one and then wait it out and if that doesn't work out, reapply to another?
Under no circumstances should you wait this out. Job hunting is a lot harder than you think. You can't just apply at one place and wait for that job to come back to you before applying somewhere else. I've made and am still making most job hunting mistakes, but this is one that I'm positive about. Employers know and expect that their offers will not always be the best offers and some jobs will be turned down. Just be polite about it.
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Old 08-25-2005, 09:13 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
Excellent, thank you very much El Pollo. I wanted to make sure I was coming off as the 'right kind of employee' I suppose
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Old 08-25-2005, 09:26 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: The Land Of Manna-AKA Australia!
I'm an Employment Consultant and a business owner. I recommend that you apply for everything you like the look of and are able to do. Keep a diary and attach the job ad and a copy of your application to the day you apply for each job- it'll help you keep track of them. The business of getting the job you want can be cut-throat and employers will make their decisions based on the best person available at the time- no emotional connection, just what's right for their business. El Pollo speaks the truth in saying that the important thing to do is be polite and professional when saying 'no' to an offer. NEVER wait it out and NEVER close a door permanently if you can help it- it may help if the job you take turns sour or isn't what you expected. Employers value truthfulness in candidates, and they expect that a good candiate will be in demand. You can improve your negotiating power to get paid well and get better conditions for the job you want with several offers on hand. Employers expect that too from a strong candidate. ALWAYS follow up on your applications (by phone if you can) within a week of applying- don't wait to be called, and ALWAYS send a thank you note after you've been interviewed. Feel welcome to ask if you need some help.
But why??
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applications, etiquette, job, multiple, proper

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