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Bombs went off in Boston

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Borla, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I completely agree what has been said here. Really, what the fuck is wrong with people. Newsworthy is newsworthy.

    The problem is Rolling Stone's only in as much as most people seem to have forgotten that the magazine is more than just a music publication, always has been. I would also suggest that this kind of reaction isn't new. The difference is that in the time of Manson, the only voices being heard were the media, the average person was limited to speaking to their immediate circle. Of course, today we are all the media so the cacophony is greater.

    But this too is nothing new.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

  3. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I find putting some no talent putz like Justin Bieber on the cover more offensive than a picture of this person. He is truly newsworthy compared to an Canadian import that should have been shipped north rather than south. I have read very little about this entire bombing story from the start and have no plans to read this article within the next century, but the village idiot response to this does at least raise my interest.
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  4. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Most of the complaints I've heard about it are that it's a pretty-boy glamour shot, not necessarily that he's on the cover (although I've heard plenty of complaints about that, too.)

    That's all I had to add. I don't really care about the Rolling Stone.
  5. Im trying to understand why people are so upset. Pretty boy or not. Villains dont necesarily need to 'look' evil. It comes from within.

    If that's the argument for him being on the cover then I think its pretty lame. I just wonder how the US would react if a rolling stone cover showed OBL one day. Would that be glamourising? Or is it the photoshopping of pictures that has some people so upset?
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  6. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    it's idiotic. he took the photo of himself and it was already on the front page of the ny times.

    from what the locals are saying--you know, the stupid ones, which includes alot of my friends---it's the fact of it that pisses them off. of course, they hadn't read the article. it seems they in the main just like being all outraged about shit. i get the trauma thing, though. i found the period just after the marathon to be really, really depressing

    (i live just outside of boston and have other friends who were at the finish line, btw...so perhaps it's because i know and have talked with folk who were, for example, treating people who were maimed by the bombs that i have no patience with the idiocy of this "outrage" foolishness)
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2013
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  7. The mayor - and presumably many others - were outraged that he had gotten this five minutes of fame - probably because they all crave it.
    If he had looked incredibly ugly in the photo - I doubt people would have minded so much - he doesnt exactly look like an evil ugly terrorist with tools of death hung willy nilly all over his person. I think people would have been okay with that perhaps. Or perhaps a picture of the other one laid out dead.
    All a bit daft really I think. The picture has been used before has it not.