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Do You Carry Your Gun with a Round in the Chamber?

Discussion in 'Tilted Weaponry' started by cynthetiq, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    And they probably don't advocate carrying without a round in the chamber. You misinterpreted my logic, which is:

    -People who carry without a round in the chamber are usually overweight and have poor gun handling skills.

    This not the equivalent of saying:

    -People who are overweight have poor gun handling skills.

    That being said, someone who is fat will be slower and easier to shoot than someone who is in shape and has an equal amount of tactics and skill. I know it's kind of crazy, but in the real world people actually do things like run and crawl behind cover to avoid being shot. Not being able to do these things puts an overweight person at a disadvantage.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Only one of my handguns is a semi-auto, and I keep a round in the chamber with a full clip in the gun. It's a hammerless model so it's not possible to keep it cocked. Slide the safety off, ready to shoot.
  3. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Not only am I a necroposter, but I'm also a threadkiller.

    I don't have a CWP, which is not that difficult to obtain in TX, esp. if you know the loopholes where you don't have to attend classes or pass a handgun profiency exam that involves actual shooting.

    The good thing is we're allowed to carry, within easy reach, loaded firemarms, including handguns in our vehicles. That's certainly something to think about when you're driving and tempted to call another driver an asshole and flip them off :eek: :D.
  4. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Not at all. You must be new here. The primary issue with traffic in Tilted Weaponry is that only four people ever post in it. I am one of them and I'll be here daily for the next several months. Pay attention, you might learn something.

    Not sure I like the attitude here. It smells like ignorance at best and gross negligence at worst. Are you suggesting that it's okay for someone to obtain and carry a firearm without proper instruction and a realistic regimen of practical exercise? That sounds straight retarded, dawg. Is Texas full of a cowboys? I worry, since the modern definition of "cowboy" is an obese white guy that can't run, lift, shoot or make good decisions involving whether or not to invade major Middle Eastern nations.

    No, it isn't. It is clearly not something to think about it because it shouldn't happen.

    Law-abiding firearm owners don't worry about other law-abiding firearm owners flashing their gat (brandishing) or receiving a Michael-Douglas-in-Falling Down-style threat from another citizen. Because they (adults) don't do such asinine things. Firearms are not for dispensing idle threats or obtaining cool points with the waitress at your favorite Hooters, they are for defending yourself when confronted with deadly force. Your pistol should only leave your holster because you have decided that you are in a situation where your life is in imminent danger, not because someone is driving their BMW 5-series like a total choad. Hell, if that was the case, every respectable motorcyclist would have half a dozen confirmed kills on dickhead cagers.


    Check yourself.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2013
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  5. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Plan9, I can understand the lecture. I don't appreciate the insults. Check yourself.

    The "cowboy" mentality is not limited to Texas, hotheads live everywhere, and some of them don't give a damn about the applicable gun laws for where they live.

    Nope, I'm not a newbie, I had 600+ posts in TFP 4.0. I remember your passion for firearms, we even had a couple of agree-to-disagree exchanges. Some people are "gun nuts" who scare me, other folks are firearms enthusiasts who take safety & responsibility seriously. IIRC you are one of the latter.

    I am not suggesting that people should bypass the CWP requirements that involve classes, actual shooting instruction, and passing a shooting exam. The Texas CWP law, like those of many other states, has loopholes that need to be closed. That said, I've known people with CWPs who went through the proper training & testing, and some of them were hotheads who IMO had no business carrying a concealed handgun.

    When a law allows just about anyone to carry loaded firearms in their vehicle, you're going to have some idiots who think nothing of showing their guns and threatening others. I carry a loaded handgun in the car, no one will ever see it unless I and/or my wife is under serious threat of physical harm.

    Owning firearms and carrying one in the car doesn't give me an adrenaline rush, or add to my 'manliness.' I believe that most people, even the macho men who like to talk about shooting someone under the right circumstances, have no idea what it would be like to make the decision to take a human life.

    "Check myself"? I'm not going to shoot someone in a fit of roadrage, and chances are good I'm not going do anything to incite someone to shoot me.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2013
  6. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Thanks for the clarification. I don't recall your username from back in those days but, hell, the last iteration of TFP was basically eons ago at this point as far as most folks are concerned.

    Just keep in mind how you phrase things here as most of TFP is anti-gun and against self-defense and thus will easily misconstrue your post as yet another example of Idiot with a Gun (TM).

    It is important that those in favor of citizens owning firearms and being able to defend themselves with them maintain a proper image in public. Our "rights" are being eroded like-whoa.
  7. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I did some editing while you were replying. It seems that we are basically on the same page, and I totally agree that responsible gun ownership needs to be displayed openly. There are enough "armchair gunslingers" around to give firearms a bad name.

    I'm especially put-off by the guys who love to talk about what they would do with their guns.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I'm glad we agree.
  9. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I carry my semi-auto handguns charged. My pump shotgun is charged. I view racking a round as another thing that could go wrong in emergency, and with a round chambered I should be able to get off at least that one shot (barring a misfire).

    The downside is my two carry pistols and my main home defense pistol don't have manual safeties. My wife & I are pretty much the only people with access to our firearms so charged and no manual safety is fine with me.

    She keeps the chamber empty and the safety (when applicably) engaged on her pistols.

    One of the downsides is someone who knows nothing about firearms could shoot me with my own gun.