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Food Soylent/Joylent

Discussion in 'Tilted Food' started by Snoogans, May 7, 2015.

  1. Snoogans

    Snoogans Getting Tilted

    Uppsala, Sweden
    Soylent - Free Your Body

    "What is Soylent?"

    From Soylent.me FAQ:
    "What is Joylent??"

    The same, but the european version. And funnier.

    I got interested in Soylent a long time ago, when it was first introduced. Sadly, it wasn't (and isn't) available outside the U.S. I forgot about it for a while until I stumbled upon Joylent, based in the Netherlands. Consistent problems with delivery had me doubting the company at first, but curiosity made me order about two weeks worth to substitute my lunch. (Don´t worry, I also did my very best to look up the science behind this and checked a bunch of non-biased reports)

    I got the tastepack of all flavours (banana, vanilla, strawberry and chocolate).
    Banana was pretty gross, but the rest was good.
    At the time of this trial period; I ate three scrambled eggs for breakfast at 0510, a hard bread sandwich with ham and cheese at 0930, leftovers for lunch, a banana at 1430 and dinner at 1700-1730. Because of Sweden's perpetual darkness during the dry winter, I added Vitamin D and Omega 3 to my diet.

    I started taking the Joylent instead of leftover for lunch and, besides from being a bit hungrier when coming home from work, everything felt normal. I'm lousy at drinking water during my day, so drinking about 6dl with the powder was great.

    Now, I'm drinking Joylent for breakfast and lunch. And I love it!
    I prepare both shakes on the night before, so I just get dressed and brush my teeth and I'm out of the house! And lunch at work consists of a shake in the car while on the way to get groceries/run arrends. I'm getting so much done, and I feel great!
    No more feeling bloated after lunch, my overall energy seems at a higher level throughout the day, and just being so damn time-efficiant makes me feel awesome! Switching between just three flavours is not an issue either, smelling them as I prepare the shakes makes my mouth water every day!

    My biggest issue before trying this was that I LOVE food. Like, alot alot. And the thought of not eating tasty leftovers was daunting.
    But I feel like when I eat "real food" for dinner, it tastes goddamn awesome!! Everything tastes better, and all the flavours are stronger.

    Oh, and the sensation is like drinking oatmeal mixed with alot of milk + flavour of choice.
    My wife almost threw up when she tried it, but I have no problems at all.
  2. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I'm showing my age. When I see soylent mentioned as food I immediately think of the movie Soylent Green.

    • Like Like x 1
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    You're supposed to.

    I've had some friends try it. It doesn't really interest me.
  4. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

  5. Snoogans

    Snoogans Getting Tilted

    Uppsala, Sweden
    Joylent recently launched a limited run of apple flavoured "Joylent Green", and made a video promoting it..

    Better how?
  6. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Really? That's an interesting marketing strategy.
    --- merged: May 8, 2015 at 6:33 AM ---

    They should introduce a pair flavored product.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2015
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  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

  8. Snoogans

    Snoogans Getting Tilted

    Uppsala, Sweden
    Granted, I'm not a scientist.
    But comparing the two; the only difference in ingredients are that Joylent lack taurine, and the dogfood lacks Vitamin K, chromium, molybdenum and sulfur.
    The dogfood is slightly higher in calories and fiber, Joylent is higher in carbs.

    Of course the percentages of ingredients vary between the two, but they are intended for different species.

    Am I missing your point? Are the chemicals in the dogfood better because it used to be produce?

    Just FYI (just to cover myself if this is interpreted as aggressive): I have absolutely no problems about being wrong about this, if I've been duped by advertisment.
    Your initial comment was so dismissive, I feel like I might be doing something stupid.
    If what I'm eating isn't great, I'd like someone who knows more than me to advice me to change my ways.
  9. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Vitamins and other supplementation aside, Soylent is basically maltodextrin, rice protein, and oat flour (in that order).

    Comparatively, Joylent is oat flour, soy flour, whey protein, maltodextrin, ground flaxseed, flash-dried fruit powder, and cacao powder.

    Embark Dog Food is turkey, organic flaxseed, potatoes, celery, spinach, carrots, organic coconut, apples, organic kelp, eggs, bananas, and cranberries.

    Now, despite being a dog food, Embark is, by FDA standards, "human grade."

    Between the three products (and, for the record, I was comparing Embark mostly to Soylent), what would make the most sense to eat every day as a complete replacement for food? I don't see a problem with MRPs in general. One meal a day seems a bit much, but two or three meals is something to take into careful consideration.

    When most of your carbs (or even just "a lot") come from maltodextrin, I'd hardly call that a meal, or food. Maltodextrin is a food additive. It's basically a modified starch that is absorbed as rapidly as glucose. It's practically sugar.

    It's not a "bad" product. I just wouldn't put as much stock into it as they would like you to. If you're crazy-busy and/or on the go, I'm sure it's a great thing to have on hand. But daily meal replacement? I'm not so sure. (Especially if it's replacing more than one meal.)

    The key thing to remember is that vitamin supplementation isn't a be-all and end-all. Vitamins and minerals are better absorbed from real food, and most supplements don't offer much (or anything) in the way of phytonutrients, etc., that's found in these real foods.

    When comparing these products, Embark is the one with the most real food (and most diverse real food).
  10. Snoogans

    Snoogans Getting Tilted

    Uppsala, Sweden
    Thanks for explaining!
    Last edited: May 12, 2015