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Politics The Donkey in the room...the Democrats today

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by ASU2003, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    The problem is there is a large faction of the Democrats that care about poor people and giving them access to personal transportation with cheap fuel. They don't care about the pollution, the money that is being used to fund Republicans and opposition media, and it is preventing alternatives from competing.
    Energy/Natural Resources | OpenSecrets


    And it is about as stupid as the Democrats that want to cut state gas sales taxes, which will be used to give oil company shareholders more money and the poor will see none of it.
    Connecticut Democrats Reach Deal on State Budget, Tax Cuts – NBC Connecticut

    Some Democrats are pushing to cut gas taxes through 2022, but Obama torched the idea years ago
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Frankly, that's also likely a dodge cover for oil lobbyists to give donations & kickbacks to the same Dems, claiming altruistic rationales. :rolleyes:
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  3. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX

    This reminds me of Raygun's policy of giving tax breaks now, worry about paying the price later. Not exactly The Model of Fiscal Responsibility.
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  4. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Opinion | What we learned about Nancy Pelosi in the riveting Jan. 6 footage — NBC News

    Let’s hear it for the lady.
    The Speaker of House and an exceptional one.

    No shit, I saw first hand the clip that shows her leadership during the Jan 6th crisis.
    To be commended

    I’m an independent.
    Not really favoring any party. (But have become anti-GOP with their current personality) :mad:
    So I’ve always taken a neutral stance to Pelosi.

    However in the past some years, I’ve seen her gumption and strength, admiration to the push to get things done.
    And still be professional and have respect for most.

    And attempting to get justice too. Even if constantly blocked by the Senate and GOP.
    Persistence is the word that comes to mind.

    Let’s hope she can bring this in for a nice landing.
    She deserves a break after all this time.
    • Like Like x 1
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  5. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Barack Obama Mercilessly Mocks Herschel Walker With A 'Thought Experiment'

    Damn, he still has it.
    Funny as hell, intelligent at the same time. The adult in the room.

    Could you imagine how MANY lives he could have saved in the surge of Covid??? How many less hospitalizations?
    How much $$$ saved. (remember he helped us get out of the Great Recession).

    Nope, we voted in T :oops:
    Americans have VERY short memories.

    And now we're likely to give the House to the same idiots that support T. (and SCOTUS)
    All of them doing their damnedest to tear up everything. It's going to be all Benghazi all over again. (except anti-Biden)

    At least the Senate will stay neutral, with a slight Dem lean because of the VP.
    The American public voted out the Dems and put in the GOP...just to constantly block & stymie Obama. (and Obamacare)
    Imagine where we'd be if we actually had cooperation instead? :rolleyes:

    Nope we keep voting in the same anti-government madmen. (and yes, the GOP is often funded and fueled by anti-govt groups - who's soul purpose is to tear down the federal govt)

    Now I'm not a Dem fan...they're not perfect, nor was Obama, nor is Biden.
    But at least they're adult in the room Not anti-govt. Willing to cooperate with the GOP to get things DONE. Looking out for YOU, the citizens.

    Nope, we have a large part of the voters, voting in their anger, anyone opposite, anyone who'll tell them pipedreams.
    Kick the Dems out, put in the Tasmanian Devils, tearing up ALL in their path. Frankly just for spite, IMHO. (both the politicians & the voters)

    We Americans shoot ourselves in foot with our own guns, again & again. :eek:
    No lessons learned. :confused:

    Dammit, let's at least have adults in the room.
    The Dems are at least that. Not like there's any other sane alternative.

    That should be their new slogan...
    Dems, vote sanity. :p
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    • Like Like x 1
  7. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I'll repeat the question that has been asked:
    Where has Obama been before his recent appearances?

    I know that he tries to show respect and be civil, but the GOP bullshit that started with NPD Trump's presidency showed that strategy wasn't going to work.

    The downside is Obama fires up the NPD Trump base. But they're going be voting anyway.

    The positive is Obama fires up the borderline voters, the people who generally support the Dems and don't like the GOP, but sit on their lazy asses when it comes to actually voting.

    Quiet dignity was not the correct strategy, Mr. President. Your party needed you months, if not years, ago.
  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Democrats keep the Senate

    Saner heads prevail. :cool:

    Now, don't FUCK it up!!!
    As My Cousin Vinny would say.

    America may have a chance...
    We'll see.

    The Dems have a bad habit of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. :rolleyes:
    Then again, they're battling not a decent GOP, but T and MAGA...who keep shooting themselves in the foot.

    So being a mediocre and meh team is decent enough when the opposition is penalty ridden and about to be in trouble with the commissioner and league. :oops:
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  9. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Wow! I saw NV staying red.
    Nice job, Dems.
    Thanks for blowing it, Repubs.

    The Dems need Warnock to win in GA for (a tiny bit more) breathing room. Also to tell Manchin "Now it's your turn to FIB my FIB."

    Mitch McConnell will no longer be SML.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Senate Democrats plan to probe corporate abuses with new subpoena powers

    Great. DO IT! :cool:
    But...don't forget to do your REAL jobs!!! Voting for the people. For the nation.
    And preventing the MAGA in the House from doing stupid shit. :mad::eek::oops::confused::rolleyes:

    Y'all seem to be the only adults in the room at the moment.
    Except for the Biden Administration and who knows when they're going to fuck up.

    My attitude about politicians...DO YOUR JOBS!
    Stop the celebrity showboating and grandstanding, that's for Hollywood.

    Yes, check the corporate world...but don't go crazy or overboard. Then the GOP wins by overkill.
    Plus biz IS our national engine. Break and stop...control the car. But don't put sand in the oil. Don't water the gas.
    Play it smart. Keep a balance.
    Y'all got brains...use them.

    As Greenspan said, don't get irrationally exuberant. :p
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2022
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  11. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX

    Sinema switches to independent, shaking up the Senate


    A few analysts are trying to spin Sinema's switch to Independent as the unraveling of Democratic control in the Senate. Of course quite a few Repub politicians are gloating.

    Most in-depth reports say very little will change, other than Sinema's chances of re-election in AZ.

    I see the move as selfish, even if it might be mostly symbolic.

    my post is getting lost in space. I can't tell if it's going to post, or will be lost if I leave the thread.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2022
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  12. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Frankly, she’s an attention getter.
    Always, has been.
    She liked being notice from the start.

    AOC is at least substantive and has something to say and say it loud.

    But Sinema, really doesn’t have anything significant to say, other than attention getting posturing and moves.
    This is just another ploy, a blowfish one.
    She wasn’t as important now, now there’s less of a balance and the Dems have more leverage.

    Notice how Manchin is being quiet, suddenly.
    You don’t hear his name in the papers lately.
    Different tack.

    Schumer isn’t going to take as much crap.
    Especially since he just voted again as leader.
    He’s on solid ground.

    I think both Sinema and Manchin are going to eat their words…and past actions.

    The Dems are going to flex their muscles.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I noticed that Manchin has been quiet, although I did see a clip of him on TV criticizing the Griner swap (as many people have done).

    If Sinema doesn't get re-elected, she cut off her nose to spite her face.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    BTW, I'm encountering the same dupe lag scenario you are...looks like it's not posting, so we redo it...but it does post.
    Seems to be a Tapatalk issue...because I'm not getting it on TFP direct. (I'm going to try to update, see if that corrects it.)
  15. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I don't use Tapatalk.

    I don't think I use Tapatalk.

    Edit: My last two posts have been fine.
  16. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor


    I can't say for sure but I think she sincerely believes that there is a moderate position that she can appeal to as an independant.
    She is so full of herself that she doesn't realize just how much she has alienated everyone in her district.
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  17. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Why Marc Elias Wants to ‘Babysit’ the Republican Party

    This is what I mean, when I say, the Dems have now got the GOP's number...and have seen how LOW many in the GOP are willing to go.
    The Dems will take steps...

    Again, they are not stupid. Slow...but not stupid.
    And now the GOP has awakened a sleeping giant.
    They've got money too. And intelligence also...cunning isn't just a republican quality.
    They've been playing nice...now, not so nice.

    They have to remember the Dems have a larger base.
    IMHO, the Independents are tired of the GOP slop & sewage.
    Having shown the GOP isn't truly good at anything they claimed...much less execution. (it's all really been SHOUTING, exclaimation...but no substance)

    The Dems are going to leverage the law too. (and bonus, they've got a cool thing on their side...Facts - judges aren't dupes like voters for spin and smoke & mirrors...even most conservative ones)

    The hand is revealed.
    And it's about to called...
    GOP bluffs won't work.
    The Dems are upping the blinds. They've figured out the tell. (I think, I hope... :oops: )
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2022
  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Zelensky helps Pelosi exit House in historic fashion — The Hill

    Watching the HBO documentary on Pelosi
    (done by her daughter)

    IMHO, it’s a fascinating thing to watch, even if you don’t like her,
    Because it shows how the US system works.
    (and how other post-industrial representative nations’ governments work too)

    It’s about the votes.
    Counting the votes. (again and again)
    Getting the votes.

    For not just her elections, or elections altogether
    But for every damn bill and law and motion.

    It’s why we have representation, because most people don’t have the time and mind to do this grind.
    Hustling votes…call after call, talk after talk.

    It’s not just her, but every politician needs to do this,
    To get results, to move things forward, IF they’re good and on top of it.

    And it also shows how people can mix things up.
    Yelling about the wrong things to the wrong people
    Even IF that person is actually on their side.

    Or get played and manipulated.

    Gotta give it to her. (even if you don’t like her)
    She’s a person who hustles, does the grind, doesn’t let down.

    Kudos to her for doing the deed.
    Better than many.

    Wish more politicians would be like this
    No matter the group or party.
    (although the crazy ones can sit on their tails more ;) )
  19. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX

    That article does a good job of showing why our voter rights need to be monitored & protected.

    It's also a great ad for the Elias Law Firm ;).
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  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member
