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Politics The Elephant in the room...The GOP today

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by rogue49, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Hmmmm... if a fetus is a child, pregnant women should be able to claim the dependent on their taxes, and prenatal care as child care services.
  2. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    But they're at least trying to abolish the death penalty, right?
  3. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    It will be interesting to see what agenda the GOP comes back with. And if they will be able to get the activist vocal minority to go along with it.

    I mean they only needed to convince 3% of Democratic voters to switch to the Republican party and we would have President Romney... (shivers)

    They could do it a few different ways which is the scary part. They could also break apart with the moral right and the fiscal right going different directions.
  4. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    The Boehner/Ryan new plan is to balance the budget in 10 years, with NO additional revenue...even more austere than the already austere Romney/Ryan campaign proposal that claimed to balance the budget by 2040.

    Cant wait to see the details of this one, given that the voting public overwhelmingly favors protecting (but reforming) Medicare and Social Security and a balanced approach of spending cuts (including defense) and tax increases
  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    It will require ramping up the class war.

    It will require eliminating much of what has been alleviating the pressures caused by the acceleration of trickle-up economics over the past several decades.

    It will be like Greece except with more guns.
  6. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    It is the Tea Party mantra, despite the Tea Party at its lowest level of popular support since is inception.

    It is Republican incumbents up for reelection in 2014 fearing a challenge from the far right.

    And later this week, both Obama and a bi-partisan group in the Senate will introduce immigration reform legislation, including a path to citizenship (not amnesty), that wont sit well with many House Republicans, leading to more squabbling within the party.
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    And more support from the far right.

    America is poised to slide into a dangerous place in terms of populist politics.

    The worsening of the situation for the lower and middle classes comes at a time when wages are stagnant, unions are further being dismantled, the poor are expected to take on more of a burden, the rich refuse to pick up any of the slack, and the S&P is at its highest since 2007 after its longest winning streak since 2004.

    But, yes, let's blame the poor for government spending and for voting for liberal handouts.
  8. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul need to get together and make a balanced budget that would be fair and reduce the size of the military to 1930 levels...but also reform SS and Medicare.
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Uhh...how about we have their love child do it...which would be smack dab in the middle of both their positions,
    and just as realistic and likely...

    I'll go for practical and pragmatic...and it looks like we're slowly going that way.
    It even is looking more like the GOP will allow the sequesturation to go through rather than fighting it.
    That way, they can get the cuts and principles of less government they are looking for.
    The %'s will come from everything, even entitlements...and defense.

    Quite frankly, I think its the only way to cut spending without the interference of lobbyists...and other interested parties.
    And they'll have a great excuse of saying their hands were tied...and won't be penalized by their constituents...they can blame others.

    It's a stupid way of saving face...but in the twisted world of American politics today, it's win-win.
  10. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I think it's a mistake to obsess over the deficit, to focus on deficit elimination as the goal and then set 10 years as some arbitrary timeline.

    Before Obama (i.e., before the economic meltdown), there were four decades of deficit spending with the exception of a single Democratic president. Why the obsession now? My guess is because of the magnitude of the deficit of recent years. It's understandable. These are the worst deficits since WWII.

    However, deficit elimination is not a sound budgetary strategy given the circumstances. The GOP freak out and go on about Big Government. Well, Big Government isn't the problem here. The problem is a multitude of system-wide failures of government, industry, and globalization. Obama isn't the culprit. He's one president who managed to curb spending increases unlike any other in recent history despite the economic climate.

    Looking to eliminating the deficit in a short period such as ten years to me sounds like opportunism on the part of the GOP.

    You know how many surpluses there have been since 1940? Twelve. Most of them were before 1970. A third of them came out of the Clinton era. Surpluses account for just 16% of federal budgets. That means they're uncommon, especially in recent economic times.

    The key thing to figure out is debt as a percentage of GDP. Debt isn't a bad thing on its own. U.S. federal debt is integral to the global economy. What's important here is ensuring a stable economy that can grow when growth is ready. That's not happening. Breakneck deficit reduction will destabilize the economy.

    Take a look at what Ireland and Greece are doing. You have to be careful. Ireland looked at both spending cuts and revenue increases. They cut things like child benefits, health, and social benefits while boosting revenues through sin tax and property tax increases. Greece is just a mess.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2013
  11. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    The myth is that Obama is the biggest spender in memory, when in fact the annual growth in federal spending in each of the last three years have been the lowest in memory.

    Reagan and GW Bush were the biggest spenders, both increased the federal budget about 5-6%/year as opposed to Obama's 1-2% increase.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam

    Ireland is a mess, but it is because they don't get rid of the corporate tax loopholes. They are afraid that the companies will just find another place, which is the global paradox that we face. Facebook can pay 0.4% tax by using some accounting shenanigans on 1.4 billion in profit, yet Ireland wants to raise property taxes...

    You might get a lot of unemployed people if you cut too fast, and don't have a transition plan. But, there are ways to promote entrepreneurship over government jobs. And you would hope that the society would come together to help in other ways. But after the last semi-depression, this country is in no position to go through a full on depression with resource scarcity.
  13. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    So, has the Elephant taken a chill-pill and learned to play with others??
    Frankly, I'll make my opinion when I see the trend over the next coming months.
    There's been a bit of cooperations lately...but the ragin' cajun attitude of the past few years has gotten old.
    We'll see, I prefer my elephants without Mammoth tusks. (the Mules have to work too...)

  14. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    I didn't read it all but I think I get the gist.

    Don't change or moderate your positions or opinions boys, just do a better job of making the voters think you have.
  15. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    We will see what happens. It looks like immigration reform will happen and it is a good plan that both sides can agree on now.

    But, the GOP will have to keep winning state, local, and house seats because Hillary looks like a easy victory in 2016, especially if the GOP primary is similar to last time around.

    They can't just be the party of No, but they also need to have good plans for dealing with the problems we are facing. And I'm surprised that 47% of the people voted for Romney, so it's not like 17% did which is where it should have been.
  16. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    “I actually support funding for teaching the fundamentals of America’s Founding Fathers’ religion, which is Christianity, in public schools or private schools. [...] Unfortunately it will not be limited to the Founders’ religion. We need to insure that it does not open the door to fund radical Islam schools. There are a thousand Muslim schools that have sprung up recently. I do not support using public funds for teaching Islam anywhere here in Louisiana.”​

    —Rep. Valarie Hodges (R-Watson) on Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s voucher system for religious education​

    Louisiana Revelation: School Voucher Funding – It’s Not Just For Christians Any More | Americans United
  17. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Jindal's school voucher program takes $millions of taxpayer dollars out of the public school system to pay full tuition for students at private, mostly religious schools.

    The Louisiana Science Education Act enacted several years ago that in effect required including creationism in public school science curricula evidently wasnt enough.
  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


    Tennessee State Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) brought back his "Don't Say Gay" bill for another attempt with even more requirements.

    This time he also wants to force teachers and counsellors to out gay students to their parents:

    Tennessee 'Don't Say Gay' Bill Now Requires Teachers To Inform Parents If Their Child Is Gay | ThinkProgress
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2013
  19. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Since 2007, Texas public schools have been allowed to teach Bible courses.

    The result has been promoting religious fundamentalism in public schools.

    And last year, the Texas Republican party adopted a platform that opposes teaching critical thinking in schools because it might challenge students' fixed beliefs and undermine parental authority.
  20. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Hey, wait a minute! Isn't that a violation of the Constitution?

    All the more reason Texas should secede as soon as possible to prevent further contagion.