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Politics The Elephant in the room...The GOP today

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by rogue49, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Not only that…but it seems a gift to Biden & the Dems (greatest hits album coming soon ;) )

    Lindsey Graham saves Biden’s big day — POLITICO

    The GOP keeps just shooting itself in the foot.
    To quote, one of their own…they’re proving themselves “the stupid party”. :rolleyes:

    All Biden has to do is the same tactic that he did campaigning against T.
    STFU and step aside…
    Show the Dems it works for them too.
    Just let the idiots open their flaps.

    However, what the Dems do NEED to do is ACT
    Accelerate the investigation, start prosecution.


    And frankly, no one deserves to be dicked over more than T and the GOP. (One hit dunces :p )
    How they’ve screwed up the nation with their shenanigans and bile is beyond words.

    This is why we can’t have nice things.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    The problem is that when the Dems act, this current administration doesn't do politics well at all. Holding an Inflation Act celebration 4 weeks later on the same day the inflation numbers come out? Not getting blue lights or having the MAGA are fascists speech in the daytime (And picking the place where the 1776 anti-government rebels formed their own government...)? Not going around the country and holding rallies in the big cities? The VP did a TV interview on Meet The Press, but I think the last President did more press conferences and one-on-one interviews.

    But the current GOP is a mess too and aren't doing much campaigning either. They are worried about the special election results over the past few months. And the Jan 6th hearings should be starting back up and going through October now.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Opinion | Republicans Wear Cruelty as a Badge of Honor - Panther Press

    Yes, they are.
    The R stands for something else now...the Republicans have become radicals. :confused:

    These days, even as an Independent...For now, I'm choosing to vote Dem down the line.
    There's no sane or effective alternative.

    The GOP has become hostile, irrational, and unintelligent
    anti-fairness, anti-compromise, anti-egalitarian, anti-international and anti-American.

    They have given up any premise of a sophisticated, civilized society.
    Acting like barbarians at the gate. :mad:

    Do ya want someone as bad as that? Or someone that supports them? Or another that placates them? Or adds to their power & influence?
    I know I don't.

    Nope, they lost me.
    I'll give the opposition my support.

    Yes, they aren't perfect. They're corrupt...etc and so on... We get it.
    But they're the best bet for fighting the GOP and they actually care about US. America and the citizens...in general.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet. Donor

    Large City, TX
    I would step away from the Democratic party if it behave the same as the GOP.

    I'm disgusted by them openly embracing, or at least tolerating via silent consent: NPD Trump's actions, the Big Lie, the violence, the call to violence, partisanship at any cost, etc.

    I won't pretend the Dems are angels.

    The question I ask myself, and sometimes others, is how would have the Dems reacted if the party control was reversed?

    I'm firmly convinced a Dem POTUS would've been impeached by the Repubs over the Ukraine extortion. The Repubs need to recognize -- and correct -- their hypocrisy.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  6. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    There’s Only One Group to Blame for How Republicans Flocked to Trump — The Atlantic

    Yep, it’s all about owning the Librals. :rolleyes:
    Them vs US
    Anger, if not Fury
    Killing, harming, submission of all opposition under their feet.
    They are the “righteous”
    It must be THEIR fault.

    The GOP has become House Harkonnen of Dune
    With T being a comic version of The Baron. :eek:

    So we gotta figure out how to stop their ongoing riot and rot without a “super-human” to lead.

    As if House Atreides and The Duke actually survived and turned it around on them.
    (Including Putin/Xi aka the Emperors being in opposition both outright and cold underlying manipulation)

    They’re pushing for power as any cost.
    Except apparent murder (that we know of)

    Why a legit party has gone this way? IDK
    It just has.

    The key is to survive and defend and defeat such an obvious threat…unfortunately undermining the American system.

    Again, no compromise has been often seen.
    Most is absolute pushing for THEIR agenda, no other.
    And “that floating fat man” T at their head.

    Not spooky Sci-Fi
    But scary reality.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet. Donor

    Large City, TX
  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

  9. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet. Donor

    Large City, TX
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    It would be as long as a LOTR movie... :rolleyes:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet. Donor

    Large City, TX
    ‘Raise the challenge’: Eastman exhorts poll watchers to build a record

    The Repubs are loading the polls with biased watchers (and official workers). Those people are being encouraged to keep written records of wrongdoing they see. Those records will be the basis for affidavits used to file lawsuits challenging election results.

    Bullshit piled on bullshit to create bullshit is still bullshit.

    We're already seeing how trying the Jan 06 insurgents has slowed the DOJ.
  12. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Jordan sends letters to DOJ and FBI previewing what GOP controlled House Judiciary Committee would investigate — CNN Politics

    Here we go…
    Get ready for a roller coaster with a hangover. :rolleyes:

    Unless the voters surprisingly reverse the polling
    Then we’re going to have a shit storm.
    Like putting Frank Gallagher of Shameless in the car and charge of the $$$ :scared:

    Fortunately, we’ll still have a sane driver with some control and direction. (The Biden administration/Fiona)
    Hopefully, we’ll also have another helpful sane one in the passenger seat. (The Senate/Debbie)
    But we could also have Bi-polar Monica/Ian.

    Don’t know where the fuck the real brains are (Lip)
    Probably being moody & drunk somewhere. :confused:

    I’m hoping some favorable/lucky things occur in the vote, the media & pollers get wrong or off about.
    (Hey, it could happen…they’ve been really off before)

    1. Enough conservatives dead from Covid. (Never wished it but it IS a real factor). Also hospitalized or too sick to vote.
    (Yes, they didn’t like shots, don’t isolate as much, don’t get the concept of germs as well and prevention and even the surges in the flu, etc comes into play…really)

    2. This is NOT an unknown or surprise anymore for the Dems, hopefully they’ve done enough Get Out The Vote, stopping vote corruption and their own gerrymandering/manipulation to make a difference.
    (It ALL counts, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander…or TWO can play at that game, can’t say “no fair”)

    3. The polls are wrong because they tend to poll old folks staying at home. Young or active people don’t give a shit or have the time/mind to wait and answer questions. Newer generations and hipsters tend to be for the Dems, or at least AGAINST the GOP/MAGA madness, want sanity and never want to hear from T again or any of his cronies.

    4. People want quiet. And to get shit done.
    NOT a circus full of clowns and animals.
    Actually have decent government that does stuff for the nation and its citizens…not just VIP and for $$$, power and lopsided agendas. (Law for ALL, what a concept :) )

    Let’s toast for future sanity.
    Vote…and do it well.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet. Donor

    Large City, TX
    Some wishful thinking.

    The Repubs disgusted with the GOP:
    Vote Dem.
    Vote third party.
    Don't vote.
  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Except unfortunately, 3rd party is a waste in a country monopolized by 2 parties,
    Want more in Dem arena, just to allow them a buffer...otherwise, it's a spoiler. (that's one of the issues, GOP voters are true, more so than Dem..."maybe" they go Libertarian or Independent, but that's not as likely.

    Same is true by those who don't vote, which tend to be more likely Dems or Dem leaning.
    Again, GOP voters tend to vote consistently and by party line.
    Or the disgruntled GOP, won't vote Dem, they'll also not vote or go Libertarian or Ind.

    That's one of the strengths of the GOP, they've got a VERY consistent solid voter group.
    Dems, Dem leaning and Ind who play with Dems, tend to be wishy-washy and vote their heart and outside the box.
    NTTAWWT...however, it doesn't add to the count.
    Got to count those votes.
    That's how the game is played.

    The GOP can always expect a consistent count.
    Lucky bastards. Guess that's why they're conservative. Tried & true, til they die. :rolleyes:
  15. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet. Donor

    Large City, TX
    ^ That's why I called it wishful thinking.

    Yes, Repubs are generally dedicated voters, Dems not so much. Which is why we saw so many changes in how we're allowed to vote; low turnout favors the Repubs.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Republicans are suing to disqualify thousands of mail ballots in battleground states — Apple News Spotlight

    Of course they are… :rolleyes:
    The current GOP has become a cartoon
    Like Dick Dastardly trying to win the Wacky Races.

    Dirty tricks is all they have left
    Except spit & bile.

    The only reason they’re going to win
    Is because the American public are fickle, have terrible memories
    And they’re lashing out at illusionary injustices by voting the opposition party currently in control.

    So it’s constant whiplash ping pong
    And why we can’t have nice things. :mad:

    Y’all as a whole, look in the mirror
    You keep shooting yourselves in the foot.

    They keep voting/betting for the wrong horse
    Just because of spite.

    Meanwhile, the horse is doped up.
    (pun intended)
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet. Donor

    Large City, TX
  18. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Two developments today to block Republican attempts at voter suppression...

    Justice Department to Monitor Polls in 24 States for Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws
    Garland and the DoJ are doing at least something to monitor voter intimidation by MAGA thugs onsite in precincts in half the states. The kind of intimidation that one would find in fragile democracies where one authoritarian with a cult following attempts to prevent the opposition from voting.

    And from Democracy Docket...

    A good day in courts across the country in beating back cases where Republicans attempted to suppress or otherwise interfere with voting.

    View: https://twitter.com/marceelias/status/1589816777214939143

    More from Democracy Docket:
    • Wisconsin Judge Rejects Republican Request to Halt Counting of Military Absentee Ballots
    • Judge Ends Cochise County, Arizona’s Plan for a Hand Count Audit
    • New York Court Confirms Polling Place on Vassar College Campus, Uncertainty Remains
    • Georgia County Agrees To Provide Emergency Relief for Absentee Voters
    • Pennsylvania Court Denies Republican Request To Temporarily Block Cure Procedures in Monroe County
    • Pennsylvania Court Rejects Attack On Philadelphia’s Poll Book Procedures
    • Michigan Judge Rejects Republican Request To Limit Absentee Voting in Detroit
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
    • Winner Winner x 2
  19. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    The red wave that wasn’t: 5 takeaways from a disappointing night for the GOP — POLITICO

    Thank goodness.
    Guess it’s as best as we could have asked,

    Despite the lack of T prosecutions
    The Dems incompetence and lack of personality
    And the GOP trying every dirty trick in the books

    AND any foreign interference.
    And American lack of memory and being spitefully pissed at any in current office.
    And so on…

    Let’s do better next time, folks
    And hopefully many will be in jail
    And the GOP becomes sane again or destroys itself.

    It’s not the Dems doing it.
    The GOP is serious crack…
    • Like Like x 2
  20. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet. Donor

    Large City, TX
    2022 midterm election results: Democrats avoid "red wave" as vote count continues — live updates

    A fairly concise summary.

    The Repubs will control the house (projections seem accurate), but will have to deal with infighting on some (many? all?) issues. What if the SOH position turns into a fight, with plenty of residual bitterness?


    Marjorie Taylor Greene, who won huge, has already announced her intention to keep the Repubs in line with her views. The Freedom Caucus will most likely be a serious PITA.