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Why don't people vote for Republicans/Conservatives

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by ASU2003, Aug 5, 2023.

  1. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I think there are a lot of issues that aren't "politically correct" to talk about when it comes to the true reasons people are locked into their "sides".

    So talk about it in this thread. Crazy theories are OK and encouraged, I want to hear them all. :) I figure most of mine will be about the culture war issues/sterotypes. I also made a thread about why people don't vote for Democrats/Progressives to be fair and balanced.

    In no particular order:

    Management just made a few million more by increasing our prices and blaming it on "inflation" or supply chains. Next will be that they will be able to afford a bigger yacht because your job will be replaced by an AI computer or machine. The conservatives want to give them more power and lower taxes. But the media and the average people in this country are too busy to notice who is really being screwed over. They focus too much on the people stealing $500 from a store instead of $500,000 or $500,000,000.


    Down the conspiracy theory spiral... If they are ever proven right, they think they are right on everything else too no matter how crazy and harmful it is.


    The line between church and state is disappearing, and it isn't the helpful gospel that they are bringing into governing. They have a lot of power and more influence than they think, yet the ability to draw a crowd is intimidating.


    They would prefer to fight Islam, China, or atheists in the US due their religion or lack of one being part of the government. And punish anyone who is a deviant or different. There is a similar judging on race too.


    They don't care about others as long as they get ahead. There are the majority of these huge trucks that just get used to drive one person to the office or store, and all they do is burn through oil faster, increase oil prices, fight wars over pipelines/security, and create unnecessary pollution. I have a feeling that a few people vote against conservatives because this isn't conservation.


    There is a rational argument for good people to have a few guns if they protect them well... But the gun nuts and extremists don't want any restrictions or more background checks on 18-30 year old males. And I don't see a lot of progress on stopping random or targeted mass shootings with the policies of arming everyone that conservatives want. But the out there part is that I think it is good for gun sales when the government attempts to stop sales. And a lot of men have the desire to be the hero good guy with a gun that was able to stop a mass shooting.


    And then there is the sex issue. The whole traditional monogamous marriage ideal is the conservative goal and to be with one partner for life. Yet, you better hope that any birth control doesn't fail. And sex will probably be less often and a lot more work for the guy.


    Do you agree? Do you have any other ideas?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    The assholery.

    The adhesion to objectively false religious fantasy. Whatever religion.

    Fuck your gods, Dance for O'Shea.

    The patriarchy.
    Just watched a vid positing that, religion is a male invention to push the idea of ownership particularly of women so men can claim known fatherhood of progeny to ensure inheritance of wealth and preserve dynasty.
    Pointing out that a non monogamous matriarchy with multiple people playing motherly roll to multiple children can't support these types of ownership and in turn, status and powers.
    I didn't get through it all because...I'm not personally caught up in that life view.
    I don't like being called a Man, you know like 'be a man !'
    I'm just a guy, a dude muddling through.
    It's not about sex or gender it's about chasing a predetermined roll of being a dad and provider (a co worker said he wanted to be a provider for his yet to be wife 25 years older than he is with a 15 year old daughter, I laughed out loud ) I'm like...dude, your gonna side eye that 15 yo girl in 5 years and your wife will be 62 while your just turning 30 or something...get real bro ! 62 year old women are fabulous when you grow old together, absolutely yes. But the age span will be an issue...now this kid grew up in a deep red state and I honestly felt his education was a bit lacking and this is one indication among others.

    Me, only child, no dad present, high functioning severely alcoholic mom...
    I don't see men as necessarily being the alpha of a family unit. It's fine if that's what you want but surely not required to be a good person.

    I see most everything on the right to be pretending that ideals are realistic, like if freeways were privately owned, the owners would maintain them properly for the cost of tolls and everything would be better. So, no megalomaniac like Elon musk would ban you off his freeway if you talk shit about him.
    The libertarian notion that we can de regulate everything and hash it out in court is ludicrous considering all the wealthy people can buy the courts and lawyers to win everything.

    Words twisted more on the right like...
    Earning, in reference to stock dividend.
    Liberty, unless your not part of the prevailing sex, religion, philosophy, economy, skin color or prefer to smoke weed and chill rather than drink and be a (my pov) a much bigger problem.

    The simplest way to say it that I've thought about is, who's bbq do you want to be at ?
    You want to chat and laugh at non standard genders, races, and shoot guns and the beer you hate ?
    Or do you want to try something other than fat beef on the grill and dance to some cool non standard music and not be judged about weird hair or clothing ?
    Change bbq to bar if you like.

    I prefer to tax the wealthy to the point where they can have the fruit of their efforts but also have the tax reflect how much the society enables their efforts with things like, public roads to transport materials and goods manufactured, energy systems, justice systems, public owned prisons with public accountability rather than public contracting to provide prisoners for private owned prisons that aren't accountable to society as a whole.
    You can't have big industry and commerce without a civil society, and an educated populace that's able to think and work reliably and that includes a society educated enough to fend off influence of looney snake oil sellers and Jim Joneses. Not everyone needs to be a physicist but everyone needs to understand logic and be able to maintain a healthy grasp on objective reality.

    Want to be a rugged individualist and live in a hollow trees off grid like a bobcat ? Fantastic ! Go for it !

    But an individual can only build a bridge across a smallish stream, not a raging river. An individual can dam a small stream for hydro power but not dam a huge river for powering a whole community or city.

    Rebuttal accepted, I'm open minded.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    So this is about libertarianism but it has this line I thought is relevant

    "if you try to make the world fit neatly into an ideological box, you’ll have to distort or ignore reality to do it — usually with terrible consequences."

    It's about a book about libertarians vs bears.

    How a New Hampshire libertarian utopia was foiled by bears

    What I get from conservatism is the binary of it that denies the practical reality of variance.
    We humans aren't black or white, my hair is brown, we are all range of colors and in that light we all have a smattering of X and Y chromosome, so it goes to show that some gal like Sara Huckabee, could with a makeover look like the incredible hulk and the bud lite tranny, being a biological male actually be credible as a girl.
    If there is a god then it definitely made same sex relationship creatures so human same sex activity is well within God's supposed ideas.

    The article mentions a magic wand near the end and I've often wondered what the world would look like if Rodger Stone and Steve Bannon could wave a wand, go to bed and wake up in a world reflecting their dreams. Then STFU and just live their ideal work-a-day lives as a shop keeper, shoe repair person or general construction grunt.
    You know if the world was perfect for them and they felt no calling to gerrymander it to their ideals.
    I mean I have no idea what some of these conservative people dream of as a near perfect society.

    The supposed God also made bad parents who aren't always right. Some rape their kids, or kill them, even kill infants by leaving them in the car while parents are in church.
    And as ASU2003 has mentioned religion shouldn't even be part of government in the first place but it sure the hell is. So tim Scott can fuck the hell off cause I don't want gods name in any politicians mouth at all.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX

    In the good sense.

    I'll be back later with some kind of semi-logical rant.
  5. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    To keep it succinct, it's because they've gone bad...rotten.

    It's a big rage machine, party before people or nation, their way or the highway, any means to an end, spit and bile and so much more.

    I'm independent. I'm not "for" the Dems, but I'm definitely AGAINST the GOP. (speaking as an ex-Republican)

    It would be just as likely I'd be against the Dems, when they were the nutso deep south, during the Civil War and Restoration.
    It's the principle, not the party.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  6. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted


    So this goes to the other thread as well
    This is NOT the bbq I want to be at. This kind of thing sits really wrong in my gut. Way wrong. These are children and not in any way consensual or even able to understand what's going on. It's grooming of the worst kind.

    At least the LGBTQ crowd are in late teens to fully adult people and it's something of their own pursuit, possibly wrongly but I find it much harder to judge a 17 yo kid so wants transition hormones than parents putting makeup on their 3-4 yo child.

    Not to mention shit like my nephew in law buying junior AR -15 with Eddy Van Halen pink stripes on it for his...I don't know 6 or 7 year old daughter who wants to go to ballet class ? Groom much dude ? Just wait till she understands daddy killed the deer who's head is above the fireplace. Ya know killing adult male deer just means there's less leaders in the herd to guide others through the migration.
    But again I digress...sorry !
    • Like Like x 1
  7. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    The Republican Party is no longer a pro-democracy party.
    It is a post-democracy pro-authoritarian party.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Allright, ranting. Some personal beliefs based on my experiences, and some general thoughts. Many of these overlap.

    Greed. Taxes.

    Tax cuts, namely the ones for people who don't need tax cuts (the old term Welfare For The Wealthy comes to mind). This has grown into a huge part of the GOP platform. One aspect, of many, that bothers me is the cuts are always promised and frequently delivered even during times when the revenue is desperately needed. Letting financially comfortable keep as much of their money as possible while cutting programs for people who need help...not good.

    Contrary beliefs & crime.

    Many people complain about crime, lack of sufficient law enforcement, not enough courts, lenient bail, plea bargains, commuted sentences & early releases, shortage of prisons, etc, etc.

    Those same people are stoutly against providing the money to pay for stronger law enforcement. They whine long & loud about paying taxes and crime, but don't mind cutting funding for schooling & programs that help reduce crime.

    Gun control.

    The GOP is scared shitless to back gun reform & control that makes sense. In the interest of transparency: I'm a firearms enthusiast, I support the 2nd Admendment, & I believe in deadly force to protect property within reason. I don't see a problem with raising the legal age for any firearm to 21, & universal background checks (and I never here anyone mention binary triggers).

    The GOP has sold out to the firearms industry.

    The current GOP.


    Total hypocrisy. If NPD Trump were a Democrat, and was supported by Democrats the way he has been supported by the GOP, the GOP would be screaming loud & long. Try to get a Republican to admit they would cry foul if the parties were reversed. The answer I get is, "That would be different." I get the same answer when I ask, "Why and how would it be different?".

    No platform.

    What is the GOP plan to make us great again? The GOP hasn't presented any solid ideas and probable actions. NPD Trump, the very likely GOP POTUS candidate and face of the party, seems focused on revenge.

    Rant over...for now.